So you think if Bernie Sanders gets elected he's just going to magically snap his fingers (or click his heels or twitch his nose back & forth) and voila!...everything he wants to do is going to happen? Really? Wow, I sure wish I had your confidence in him.
The real story? Here's the real story: he is going to go nowhere and get pretty much nothing accomplished unless he has the numbers in the Senate and the House. Has to be both, because as we have seen in recent history, a split Congress is as worthless as an opposite party Congress.
Let's assume he gets his Congress. Now what happens? Well, first he has to fight all the Republican "Lite" Democrats and get them on board. Many won't because they have already prostituted themselves out to the various special interests...many of which also own the Republicans.
Ok...whew! He has won that battle. So now, he is going to start closing every tax loophole that favors the wealthy. Is it ok to assume you are in favor of that? Then he is going to close the corporate tax loopholes that allow multi-million/billion dollar corporations to avoid paying income taxes on their profits. Is this also acceptable to you?
Next up. Eliminate the moronic and incredibly stupid income cap on the SS tax so all earned income is taxed. This ok with you?
(BTW...not a single thing he has done so far has impacted you in any way whatsoever. NOT A THING.)
So now, that's done. Next is to get the income tax code rewritten to so all income is taxed, regardless of how it's derived. Again, no impact on you (unless you are one of those secret millionaire/billionaires that earn a substantial amount of your money playing the stock market). And speaking of the stock market...there will now be varying taxes applied on Wall Street transactions...still no impact on you.
So now that this is all done he can start to "pay" for a number of his programs. What to do first?
I know...why don't we improve the health care for all our veterans? Get them the help they so desperately need. You ok with that?
And here's a novel idea...let's raise the minimum wage across the board to $15/hr. Holy cow...look at that! All of a sudden the number of families that are on public assistance has decreased. Wow! Didn't see that one coming. And...and...and although there are still some people on said assistance, for many of them the amount required has actually dropped. Stop it! This is killing me.
So now let's tackle a big one. Let's shoot for a single-payer healthcare system. This one is going to be expensive! How do we do this? Hmmm...I know! You're going to like this one! You know how businesses and employees all pay a healthcare premium for their various healthcare plans? Well...what we're going to do is...wait for it...wait for it...redirect that EXACT SAME money to the Medicare system. Holy Toledo! I am still not paying more because I am not a member of the super rich. Wow!
Oh, wait...what's that you say? I am going to have pay between 5 & 10% more than I was? Well, that just plain sucks. I HAVE BEEN LIED TO!!!
Huh? Really? Are you sure? So, by having the single-payer healthcare system in place we can force the drug companies to LOWER their cost of drugs to me? And for the average family this will have an end result of lowering my annual healthcare costs by 5-10%? Hmmm...that sure makes one think.
So now let's tackle this whole college thing. Every student wants to go to college for free. Ok, so there are rules for this. Such as? It only applies to the state in which I reside. if I am from Fargo, ND I can't go to UCLA for free. But UND & NDS are free, as well as any public junior college or technical school. I love the idea, but this has GOT to be expensive. Where's the money coming from? Ohhhhh! That Wall Street tax and closing the loophole on what is considered as taxable income is paying for it. Gotcha.
Question---has this negatively impacted you yet? Because it sure as hell has not negatively impacted me in any way, shape or form.
So we're not going to become the United States of Denmark...we're just going to borrow some of their ideas. Novel train of thought. Oh, and Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Finland, too? I'll be doggoned.
Hmmm...I guess I'll still vote Republican though...because they truly have my best interests at heart.