Although not wanting to appear as the doomsday man holding up the sign, "The end is near" I believe a day of reckoning is coming. How soon that will happen I do not know. But the signs are everywhere.
And most astonishingly, it'll be a reckoning that will come as a shock to most Americans, as something out of the blue i.e. "How could this be happening?"
These are people living in a virtual world of distraction divorced from reality. Their "reality" is that electronic gadget before their faces-what Hannah Arendt referred to as "A generation fallen down the rabbit hole of electronic hallucinations"... in "the cruel and deadening cult of the self". Although they see themselves as "connected" they are disconnected from the reality around them as well as what's happening in the rest of the world.
So what will that reckoning look like?
Maybe it'll be a horrific economic dislocation created by another financial meltdown but far worse than in 2008. A dislocation that will affect most of the people and unlike 2008 when many saw their savings whittled down it didn't change their lifestyle. Maybe a little belt tightening perhaps, but not much more. Sure many got devastated in 2008, loss of job, owing more on their home than its depleted value and walking away, foreclosure, bankruptcy, and a complete loss of savings. But that occurred in isolated pockets of the country such as Las Vegas and Miami.
No, a reckoning such as the 1930's great depression that devastated and affected most of the people with loss of jobs, savings gone, home foreclosures and a sense of hopelessness that pervaded all areas of the country, cities and rural areas alike; in essence, most people in the "same boat". That's a reckoning.
Or perhaps a new world war caused by the madness of "official" Washington and its reckless neo-con policies of creating instability, false flag operations, coups, regime change, arming and training terrorists, NATO expansionism, "pivoting" to the east, provoking Russia and China to defend themselves in a war, which could turn nuclear.
Then of course there's climate change and environmental catastrophe beyond the extreme weather phenomenon of unprecedented heat waves, droughts, flooding, rising sea levels, glaciers melting, acidification of the oceans, CO2 and methane into the atmosphere to levels possibly beyond the point of no return creating mass extinction including our own species.
So whether the reckoning comes from another financial meltdown causing extensive economic devastation, a world war or environmental catastrophe-which are ALL man-made phenomena and as such avoidable because the solutions are known but not taken-I do not know.
Yet man's final epitaph may very well be, "Solutions known, but not taken".
So I believe a day of reckoning is coming. How it turns out depends whether we take the appropriate actions necessary to prevent the calamity. Our very survival may literally hang in the balance.