My initial reaction to the rumors floating that Hillary Clinton was seriously considering choosing Elizabeth Warren as her running mate was incredulity. I didn't think the party really wanted two women on the ticket (despite all of the commotion about Clinton's making history), particularly if one of them was as far to left of Clinton as Warren is. But now with the drumbeat getting louder, I realized just how "Hillary" such a maneuver really is. Having Warren as VP would more or less absolve her from having to beg Sanders for his support, and/or concede any more concessions regarding his role at the convention. It's brilliant politics. For some reason, each election cycle we all seem to get VP-amnesia, thinking that it's some-kind-of bona fide #2 position, and forget how meaningless and irrelevant it always turns out to be (how many tie-breaking votes in Congress, or an ascendance to President, have actually been made by the Vice President, in our entire history as a nation?).