It should amaze and disturb all Americans that CDC reports over 900,000 COVID-related deaths. That word, related, is very important,
The implication is that many people have died WITH COVID but not FROM COVID. But we really do not know each fraction of that 900,000 total. Hospitals have financial incentives to classify patients as COVID, especially when they did, though they may have died from whatever medical problem brought them to the hospital.
Still, we have every reason to believe that a high fraction of that huge number did die FROM COVID.
What we should be hearing more about is how the vast majority of COVID deaths could have been prevented if, from the very beginning, the government would have truly followed the medical data and supported early treatment with generics like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The data that started in March 2020 still rolls in from the clinical work of doctors like George Fareed and V. Zelenko; together they have had 100% success treating close to 10,000 COVID patients with protocols using those generics.
Where is the apology from the government?
Where is the apology from the public health establishment for its disgraceful, failed pandemic management?
Biden should be put on the hot seat for a failed government, pro-vaccine strategy that has FAILED.