1. Get Out of Bed Happy
First thing in the morning, before you get out of bed, before you even open your eyes, start telling yourself, aloud if possible, "I feel great. I feel great. I feel great," over and over for thirty seconds or longer. Before you write me off as crazy, I challenge you to do it for two weeks and see if you don't start feeling better.
2. Drink More Water
Weight loss programs suggest using smaller plates as one way to eat less so why not use the reverse of this idea as a simple way to drink more water? Your Chiropractor will likely confirm that most of their patients are dehydrated. It's a major contributor to back pain. And if that's not enough reason to drink more water, speak with people who work with the elderly. You'll hear story after story about the relationship between hydration and age related memory loss. Considering the amount of water in our bodies, 60% according to the Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, our need for water should not be a big surprise.
3. Use Music to Feel Happier
Music is one of our strongest memory triggers, second only perhaps to our sense of smell. Think about the songs that bring back memories of the times in your life when you were totally happy. Create a playlist of these songs and put them on your Smartphone. Use them anytime you feel like you need an emotional lift. Play them before an important meeting or presentation. I've used my "Feel Good" playlist for years as a way to increase my energy prior to delivering a seminar. It's the fastest way I know to shift into a peak energetic state.
4. Avoid Energy Zappers
You know who I'm talking about. Every company has them. They're the people who, while you're walking along feeling great, will stop to tell you their tale of woe or the news about the latest disaster; typically the one which you can do nothing about. All of a sudden you're not so cheery any longer and are starting to feel like you need to lie down. Minimize your time around people like this, especially at work. Above all, stay away from negative group discussions. They're in an intense field of negative energy and not something you want to be sucked into.
5. Use Motion to Improve Your Mood
The next time you're feeling a little down instead of slipping into a funk, get up and start moving. Stand tall, look up and walk briskly. You'll begin to feel better almost immediately. The physical movement in your body causes your brain chemistry to change. It's almost impossible for most of us to move quickly and still feel down. Of course if you suffer from clinical depression, seek professional help.
Jim Donovan, is the author of several critically acclaimed self-help books, published in more than 20 countries, an inspiring motivational speaker and life coach. For a bonus gift and subscription to his "Jim's Jems" ezine visit his Web site.