From the you-got-to-be-f*&king-kidding-me files, I find 2016: Obama's America playing in not one, but two local theaters today. Well, that's a quandary wrapped in a dilemma. What is this obvious election-season propaganda, and who's behind it?
In trailer 1, we learn that what concerns the filmmakers doesn't appear to be 2016, but 1982 and black people in Africa. The blackness, front and center, and the plight of Africans gets a highlight. Here the filmmakers attempt to make a point that Barack Obama has something against "colonialism" and his real agenda (not actually in evidence in the real world, but hey, it's right wing masturbatory fantasy time), the current president's real agenda is to "downsize America."
This is an interesting claim to make, seeing how Obama has been more competent at shoring up the empire than his inept predecessor could hope to be. The claim also seems to imply that colonialism is a good thing, and that America should be expanding its empire because of that uniquely American word "liberty." You see, if you say the word "liberty" then you can simply colonize others for their own good, and baby Jesus smiles.
Apparently the creation of AFRICOM has no bearing on Obama's claimed drive to end colonialism -- which we're supposed to be against? We're supposed to be against a fantasy that's not occurring, because Obama is for it, deeply related to his blackness and African heritage. Oh yeah, then cue the Middle Eastern music in the soundtrack. Crank it up loud as Obama proclaims, "Change has come to America."
George Orwell might have opted to just shoot himself in the head at this point.
Some black children then fight one another irrationally over a game of Monopoly. I'm gonna need a psychologist's interpretation of that one. Dissonance rules this piece, and it is apparently not intended to make any sense. The poorly-mixed audio then continues over shots of "Wall Street." Yes, Wall Street repeatedly appears, as a symbol of -- what exactly? Is the implication that Obama has opposed Wall Street, its rape and exploitation of the American sheeple as well as its ongoing depredations around the globe? Seriously? Fantasy two: Obama is destroying Wall Street?
A piece of propaganda so incompetent, so detached from reality has little chance of fooling a literate, thinking people. As for our co-citizens, however, all bets are off. He is black, yes. His father was African. Case closed.
"America must grow so liberty grows."
Really? What is the real-world meaning of this line? Where are we "growing?" With U.S. military bases in the majority of the world's countries, which direction are we to "grow" next? Fascist empires have proclaimed their naked desire to rule the world before. This film seems to champion this idea unabashedly. Code word after code word obscures the real meaning these people mean to impart. The saddest thing is that Obama himself is on board with their concerns and is in no way opposed to these aims. This is kabuki theater aimed at uneducated, irrational viewers. There doesn't appear to be any truth in sight, whatsoever, the ideologues behind this piece so deluded by their own bullshit that they couldn't make a valid point if their lives depended on it.
That leads us to trailer 2 of "2016: Obama's America." Here we are informed, much as in the first propaganda, that Obama's roots trace right back to Kenya. Hide the children. Then Obama's first sin, the federal budget had been stalled for a claimed "1,000 days." Really? That's Obama's plan to destroy America. He rejected the right-wing extremists in Congress for some time and forced them to negotiate. Eventually they rammed their cuts aimed largely at the lower classes and the needy down the nation's throat while protecting their billionaire paymasters from any sort of new taxation whatsoever. But it is Obama, we are told, who is "pitting one class of Americans against another." One would have to be from Mars to be swayed by such gibberish. The utter incompetence of this hit piece is its most striking feature. It really is the product of a billionaire's PR machine, written by sycophants to please their demonic overlords. The film should tour with neurosurgeons offering free lobotomies at kiosks in the theater lobbies. Or at least offer free alcohol if you're going to subject people to such an assault on reality.
Trailer 2 closes with golden boy author Dinesh D'Souza, warning us, "Nothing can rob the future as much as the debts of the past." That over Obama in Kenya again presumably at the grave of his father. It's really his father's plot to keep the billionaires from further cutting their taxes. If only the billionaires could pay zero, or negative taxes, "liberty" would swallow the universe. And blackness would be put in its rightful place.
Oh yes, there's a trailer 3. Did you think you were off the hook yet? We're back in Kenya, back in 1982, because that has so, so much to do with America in the year 2016. Kenya, the seat of global domination and hegemony for our solar system is the cornerstone to understanding the great mysteries of planet earth today. This trailer version seems to be almost identical to the first one, with the voice over quality improved somewhat so that the words are better deciphered.
"Which dream will we carry into 2016?"
The black African one or the white one? As false dichotomies go, this garbage should frustrate the hell out of people with multiple working brain cells. They carefully avoid making plain factual statements, placing their propaganda in the realm of questions, grand visions, vagueries. Perhaps they'll fleece the ignorant poor white-wing who consistently vote against their own interests. Such customers are numerous. The Tea Party will make much of this nonsense, but no one will touch on any of the realities of the day. That's guaranteed.
Writer/director Dinesh D'Souza is a slick operator. His book was called, "The Roots of Obama's Rage." Rage? Black must equal rage in some lexicon. The claim is as false as everything else in this moronic mind wash. Dinesh hails from the American Enterprise Institute, the minor leagues for wannabe plutocrats. He knows from which direction his cash flows. I pity the anti-fascists who will sit through this assault on intelligence for educational purposes. The central theme of the piece can be summed up in this one sentence from D'Souza's Rage book:
"This philandering, inebriated African socialist, who raged against the world for denying him the realization of his anti-colonial ambitions, is now setting the nation's agenda through the reincarnation of his dreams in his son."Good luck with that. Back on earth, however...