2011: Same Ole Sh*t, 2012: Same Ole Sh*t,
2013: Same Ole Sh*t
You Guessed It!
So what's in store for liberals/progressives from the Christian Right in 2014?
You guessed it. Because change and originality are not the Christian Right's
strong points. As in the past, the emphasis will be on evil homosexuality, but
guns, freedom of religion, abortion and Obama as the Anti-Christ will persist
throughout the year.
2. Republicans who veer from our Biblically-based agenda will be made to pay for their sins... at the ballot box. Family Research Council's Tony's Perkins has more than hinted at a separation from the Republican Party, whining that it has not paid the fervent respect the CR thinks it should have by voting for some gay rights issues, for example. This, of course, smacks of a nose cutting/face spiting stance: the Tea Party isn't powerful enough (does it have any actual leaders except for maybe RINO Ted Cruz?) and Republicans are their biggest asset in the legislature. True, Republicans are getting tired of fostering born-agains among their ranks, but they show no signs of going completely "secular."
4. Obama is still the Anti-Christ who will make Christianity illegal and take away all freedom and guns.
Right Wing Watch:
After arguing that President Obama
tried to kill him -- along with 90% of Americans -- Jim Garrow issued a warning
to his followers today that if they do not join his anti-Obama guerrilla war
then they will end up as just "a statistic and the memory of you being wiped
from the face of the earth."
Back in 2008, during the Prop 8 brouhaha, Tony Perkins reached out desperately
to his donors, telling them that if Prop 8 passed, religious freedom would
cease to exist and Christian would be jailed for their faith.
In 2013:
"We're already seeing bakers and florists and photographers forced to participate in same-sex marriages under the threat of law and in some cases even jail." Politifact disagreed.
5. The new Pope is a Marxist. While this is a relatively new
meme of the CR, give it time: FOX News, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah
Palin have given it enough traction to last through the year and beyond, or as
long as Pope Francis lives to regret it (which, in their compassion, they hope
isn't very long).
6. Russia is proof that Christianity is the way out of horrendous
atheism... and into horrendous bigotry and homophobia. Like the Marxist
Pope, the Russia as a Great Christian Nation is relatively new, but you can see
that every step Putin makes will be awarded with sainthood.
7. America is still Christian (only) nation. David Barton
prevails (under the patronage of Glenn Beck et al), even though reputable
publishers won't touch him. We will continue to hear how God personally blessed
every founding Father with foresight and made sure that He was enshrined in the
Constitution forever (even though He is never actually mentioned - except in
the date "In the year of our Lord"). We will also hear how every
living thing (and the chair you're sitting on) was mentioned in the Bible.
8. Anti-bullying programs simply promote homosexuality. Sally Kern,
the venerable Representative from Oklahoma, insists that gays - through HIV -
are worse than terrorists (related bullying coverage and Kern's statements
below). With demonizing like Kern's, it's quite easy to see how kids can tell a
gay teen that they're "going to hell." To counteract anti-bullying
programs, the meme that telling kids not to bully gay teens is promoting
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