In order to reach the Paris Accord goals according to the Intergovernmental Panel, the world would need to see:
- "rapid and far-reaching" changes in energy systems (immediate end of fossil fuels),
- land use (agricultural land replanted with trees),
- city layouts and transportation (to reduce car use),
- buildings (all retrofitted to renewable energy),
- vast reduction or elimination of road and air travel, and
- worldwide checks on human material consumption.
In other words, the end of capital civilization as we know it and its replacement by low-energy, pre-industrial, self-sufficient local and regional economies within a decade.
However much more is needed; including....
- Education of the young (and older humans) about the vital importance of respecting and protecting all living things--an understanding that other species are not commodities for human use, and their survival is inextricably linked to our survival
- An understanding and agreement that technology will not save the world from the climate emergency or catastrophic species loss-- natural living solutions are the only solution
- The planting of indigenous trees and shrubs in every available green space
- The banning of artificial pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers
- The planting of trees to replace areas used for monoculture farming, particularly meat and dairy production
- The pulling up of vast areas of concrete and tar and replacing it with perennial vegetation trees and shrubs
- The end of all 'growth' economies-- a return to no-growth (an end to consumption for its own sake)
- The encouragement of wildlife into urban areas
- The banning of killing of all wildlife
- The re-enlivening of buried urban rivers and streams
- The end of non-repairable goods
- The compulsory education of all children in permaculture gardening
- The banning of all non-essential air traffic
- The construction of efficient light-rail networks
- The building of food and energy self-sufficiency in all communities
However the sooner we begin to implement the above processes and policies, the easier the transition will be, with less loss of human and other species' lives.
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