I could not stop crying when I saw video footage of Dominicans publicly beating a Haitian they'd bound to a street pole. Cars go by. No one helps.
Dominicans of conscience must help stop this ... this killing spree right here in the Western Hemisphere of innocent Haitians just looking for life, must stop.
Who wants to live in a world where this savagery is acceptable? This
sort of community barbarity is why Haiti had a revolution to abolish
slavery. The savagery against Haitians is led by the
United Nations and US-Euro militaries occupying Haiti by force for over
11-years. They embolden these depravities. Read the
entire post here at 10,000 Haitians protest DR mistreatment and lynching.
Support our campaign to Boycott Dominican Republic products, tourism and trade for making apartheid, murder and racism legal in the Western Hemisphere
A Haitian named Tulile, a humble shoe shine worker, was found hanging in Santiago Park, Dominican Republic. His hand and foot tied together. Feb 10, 2015. Another Haitian named Ti Louis was decapitated a week later. Dominican Republic Jim Crow law have made 220,000 Haitians stateless. And came this video. (Read the entire post here at
10,000 Haitians protest DR mistreatment and lynching)Go to: 10,000 Haitians protest DR mistreatment and lynching and A Barbaric Lynching in the Dominican Republic
(Article changed on March 2, 2015 at 18:21)