When the Republicans' most flagrant spokesman Rush Limbaugh says, "I hope he fails", he is expressing the collective will of the party. The GOP is likened to a street gang of brawling thugs ransacking Obama's economic recovery. They are utilizing their echo chamber of right wing print and broadcast outlets to spew forth any illogical lie or fear tactic in hopes that they might catch on with the populace as did the Bush/Cheney WMD subterfuge. Republicans are hell-bent to regain power, and as for the welfare of average working Americans, let them twist in the wind.
Their present ploy is stirring up alarm over Obama's deficit spending and government intervention necessary to reverse the devastation of our Republican-raped economy. Republicans were OK with massive deficit spending on the war for oil in Iraq, tax cuts for the rich and subsidies for corporations as well as failing to oversee and regulate business; all of which scuttled the economy.  But, they degenerate into the miserly party of "no, we can't afford it" when it comes to government spending on average working Americans in need. It is clear that the main mission of the GOP is to protect the wealth of the rich and corporate.
Republicans shutter as they strive to strike terror in the hearts of Americans with the charge that Obama is moving toward socialism. It is obvious from the current economic crises that pure laissez-fare capitalism doesn't work, and that our economy needs a shot of socialism in order to recover. When business fails to provide the needs of the people, government must step in.
Always remember which party took your job, rifled your money market account, stole your retirement and denied you of your college education. The GOP has to be decimated at the polls. Â