Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
Some ES&S iVotronic DREs used yesterday in Saline Co. Kansas were found to be flipping votes. When asked about the incident the county clerk blamed it on a calibration problem caused during the shipping process from storage to the precincts. Naturally the clerk also minimized the problem by claiming that the chances were slim that any voters vote was incorrectly recorded. He disingenuously tried to claim that the review screen and vvpat printer kept that from happening. Of course, there is no evidence that most voters even look at the review screen before touching the "Vote" button. Also 407 votes cast on a Premier op-scan in one St. Clair Co Illinois precinct were nearly not counted after the machine failed to have its vote totals tabulated....
AZ: Pima County RTA - BREAKING: Front lines report from AZ election fraud investigation LINK
Featured - IL: St Clair County - With discovery of uncounted ballots, Vernier now appears to have won re-election in Shiloh (Premier Opscan) LINK
Featured - KS: Saline County - Errors found in voting machines (ES&S iVotronic) LINK
NY: NY-20 - Race makes paper storm LINK
NY: NY-20 - Absentee ballot count to begin for 20th District LINK
NY: NY-20 - Counting Of 20th Congressional Absentee Ballots Starts LINK
OH: Report: Ohio must update voter lists LINK
OK: Henry vetoes voter ID bill; legislative leaders vow to carry idea to the people LINK
TX: Few voter ID fraud cases found in Texas LINK
TX: House Elections Committee begins 2-day Voter ID debate LINK
TX: Henderson County - County approves use of voting machines LINK
WI: Fon du Lac County - Fond du Lac voter turnout close to projections LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**