Archives for Best Web OpEds

November 2015

Monday, November 30:

Paul Krugman: Inequality and the City (1 comments)

What the West can learn from Francois Hollande's visit to Russia

Sunday, November 29:

"I was 100 percent right" on 9/11 Muslim remarks: Trump

Computer Voting and Stealing Democracy (1 comments)

An Exasperated Chuck Todd Grills Trump: 'You're Running for President! Your Words Matter!'

Saturday, November 28:

Bernie Sanders' Refreshingly Sane Foreign Policy (2 comments)

Friday, November 27:

The West's Double Standards on Human Rights and National Sovereignty

Paul Krugman: Europe the Unready

Polar tourists see an icy world melt (26 comments)

Here Is Why Erdogan's Ambush of Russian Jet Was a Massive Blunder (2 comments)

Thursday, November 26:

Juan Cole: Why did Turkey dare shoot down a Russian plane?

NATO failed to show unanimity on Turkey's shooting of Russian bomber - reports (1 comments)

The Unprecedented Nightmare of Donald Trump: He's Actually a Fascist

Wednesday, November 25:

Moscow to deploy S-400 defense missile system to airbase in Syria

GOP Threatens To Disrupt Obama's Climate Agenda At Paris Summit

Russian Warplane Down: NATO's Act of War (2 comments)

Tuesday, November 24:

No, It's Not 1937: Getting Our Words About Russia Right

Donald Trump declares victory on 9/11 claim

Sherrod Brown: Mass Shootings

Watch: Killer Mike's Ringing Endorsement of Bernie Sanders

Donald Trump on waterboarding: "If it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway"

WW3? Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet Near Syria Border (19 comments)

Monday, November 23:

How ISIL Distorts the Qur'an, And How We Can Expose and Defeat Them (8 comments)

Terrorist Passports found in Putin's Garage! (1 comments)

The Covert Origins of ISIS (2 comments)

When Expedience Feels Like Wisdom (1 comments)

Bashar Assad Likely To Outlast Barack Obama In Office

Paul Krugman: Health Reform Lives!

GOP Congressman Brooks: Syrian Refugees Only Want a "Paid Vacation" in America

How Police Became Part of the Public School System and How to Get Them Out

Sunday, November 22:

Blowback -- the Washington War Party's Folly Comes Home to Roost (David Stockman) (2 comments)

Limbaugh Rips Obama on FNS: His "Number One Enemy" Is the GOP, Not Terrorists (2 comments)

Obama Shreds Cowardly GOP Presidential Candidates For Fearing 4 Year Old Orphan Refugees

Pope Francis: Christmas Festivities a "Charade" in World Filled With "War and Hate" (1 comments)

Humanity vs. the Climate Supervillains (2 comments)

Saturday, November 21:

Trump vs. Manson: Video Compares Facial Expressions (6 comments)

Obama Blasts Republicans For Making America Less Safe

Pope Francis calls Christmas festivities "a charade" (3 comments)

Ex-CIA Officer: Heavy-handed Tactics Don't Stop Terrorism, Good Policing and Public Trials Do (2 comments)

Friday, November 20:

George Takei Bears Witness Against The Hate (7 comments)

Paul Krugman: The Farce Awakens (1 comments)

From Console to Trigger: How Pentagon "Exploits" Video Game Culture to Wire Youth for War (1 comments)

Donald Trump, you sick son of a b*tch (1 comments)

Thursday, November 19:

France's Colonial Past and Blowback

Wells, Wells, and More Wells (1 comments)

Stung by Edict on Gays, Mormons Leave Church (1 comments)

Someone Wants War with Russia: Victoria Nuland is Not Alone (4 comments)

Can We Afford the Future?

Wednesday, November 18:

Shrinking Possible by EduShyster (2 comments)

Bernie Sanders' Political Revolution (1 comments)

CAHSEE, LAUSD by Lenny Isenberg (2 comments)

We created Islamic extremism: Those blaming Islam for ISIS would have supported Osama bin Laden in the '80s (1 comments)

Tuesday, November 17:

Stock Prices of Weapons Manufacturers Soaring Since Paris Attack (5 comments)

Cowardly governors give ISIS a propaganda victory: Refusing refugees is a moral outrage & a strategic blunder - (1 comments)

Monday, November 16:

Let's Acknowledge That Russians Love Their Children Too

Paul Krugman: Fearing Fear (1 comments)

Paris Attack Seen from the Heartland

America, Your Solidarity with Paris Is embarrassingly misguided

Sunday, November 15:

CURMUDGUCATION: NCTQ New Report on Teacher Evaluation (1 comments)

Poll Of Democratic Voters Gives Hillary Clinton A Landslide Victory In Iowa Debate (4 comments)

Your Child's Personal Records Are Part of a Massive Government Database (1 comments)

Obama hears calls to place US troops in Eastern Europe (1 comments)

Battle for the soul of the Republican Party

The astonishing amount of data being collected about your children, By Valerie Strauss

Why I Support Bernie Sanders for President (2 comments)

Moroccan Man Apologizes to Paris Victims in Viral Video: 'These So-Called Jihadists Only Represent Themselves'

Saturday, November 14:

INFOGRAPHIC: Bill Gates's 15 Years of Experimenting on Public Education, by Carol Buris and Anthony Cody (1 comments)

Bernie Sanders Praised and Obama Slammed on TPP by Economist Joseph Stiglitz (1 comments)

Why Iran and Russia Aren't as Closely Aligned on Syria as You May Think

Friday, November 13:

Paul Krugman: Republicans' Lust for Gold

Stewart: Trump Candidacy Is "Like an Internet Comment Troll Ran for President"

Who They Gonna Call? Bias at the New York Times on Education Reform; by Susan Ohanian (1 comments)

The Hidden & Deadly Bias of Class, by E. J. Dionne Jr. (1 comments)

Arne Duncan chooses a school free from his influence

Black Agenda Report: A Scathing Report on the Obama Education Legacy (1 comments)

Thursday, November 12:

Chris Christie Says Obama's "Lawlessness" Contributed To College Unrest

Fire in the Minds of Men: How the Spark of Revolutionary Faith Becomes an Inferno

GOP Email Scandal Explodes As Chris Christie Accused of Hiding 9,428 Emails And Documents

Reality takes a beating in latest Republican debate

"You Grow Up Wanting to be Luke Skywalker, Then Realize You've Become a Stormtrooper for the Empire" (2 comments)

Wednesday, November 11:

Would You Kill Baby Hitler? [a must watch!] (2 comments)

Living with Denmark's Democratic Socialism (2 comments)

Prosecutors Allege Persistent Heating Oil Fraud in New York City - The New York Times (9 comments)

Large Companies Game H-1B Visa Program, Costing the U.S. Jobs - The New York Times (1 comments)

Voters, You Can Have Everything! - The New York Times (1 comments)

Ohio: U.S. Department of Education Slaps the Wrist of Charter Sector, Lightly (1 comments)

Tuesday, November 10:

Appeals court rules against Obama's immigration plan (1 comments)

Waging Endless War From Vietnam to Syria (1 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: Teach Strong: Real Wrong (4 comments)

Thanks to CNBC, Fox Biz Knows What Not To Do for GOP Debate Tonight

LAUSD, Los Angeles Times, Howard Blum, Teresa Watanabe - (1 comments)

Monday, November 9:

Paul Krugman: Despair, American Style

Outrage! Boston Mayor Plans to Close 36 Schools to Make Way for Charters (4 comments)

Sunday, November 8:

Will Competency-Based Learning Rescue the Testocracy? - Living in Dialogue

Borowitz Satire -- Carson: Loss of Keystone Leaves U.S. With No Place to Store Grain (1 comments)

Michele Bachmann Calls for Stepped-Up Push To Convert Jews

Nice try, Pope Francis, but to many, Junipero Serra is no saint by Samuel Vargo

Saturday, November 7:

Netanyahu's Arrogance; Our Stupidity

Democratic Race Enters New Phase With Attacks On Clinton (1 comments)

Friday, November 6:

Paul Krugman: Austerity's Grim Legacy

Thursday, November 5:

New book spells more family drama for Jeb Bush (1 comments)

French Monsanto research site Suspected of having Been Attacked by Arsonists

Questioning the Unverified Computer Results of Kentucky's Governor's Race (1 comments)

Wednesday, November 4:

400,000 People Could Lose Their Health Care Because No One Turned Out To Vote Yesterday (1 comments)

Marco Rubio Said He Wants to Have a Beer With Malala, An Underage Muslim

Natylie Baldwin: Russia's Moral Framework and Why it Matters (2 comments)

Five Platitudes from Bill Gates to Mark His 60th Birthday (3 comments)

Tuesday, November 3:

Real water bed - Viral video (4 comments)

WSJ: Common Core in Jeopardy Due to Costs of Implementation (9 comments)

Israel, Iran, Syria, and Obama: Now what?

Monday, November 2:

Sean Penn says Paris climate talks "last great hope" (1 comments)

Here's what the rebelling Republican candidates are demanding after the CNBC debate fiasco (1 comments)

Paul Krugman: Partisan Growth Gaps

Sunday, November 1:

Ted Cruz Is Right: Let Limbaugh and Hannity Moderate a GOP Debate! (4 comments)

New Video on Violent South Carolina Officer [short video, must see] (19 comments)


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