Archives for Life Arts

October 2009

Saturday, October 31:

Joan Brunwasser: Part Three: Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Thinking in Pictures" (4 comments)

Susan Galleymore: Luis - Corporate Warrior: Family of War Series

Deacon Solomon: Spunk & Bite Get Bitten

gone: Somerset County man refuses final plea offer in medical marijuana case By Jennifer Golson

gone: Satisfaction by Sir Mick Jagger

Friday, October 30:

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Xanax of the caveman: neuropsychology of unity of existence and prayers; Part II (12 comments)

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Prison Break" (3rd in a series) (1 comments)

Roland Michel Tremblay: Capitalist planning: we can't find a damn job!

Bob Patterson: On the Road to the Bloggers' Hall of Fame (1 comments)

Joe Reeser: On Human Rights and Government (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Thinking in Pictures"

Bob Patterson: A Halloween Column to Scare Liberals

Thursday, October 29:

gone: Unsafe abortions kill 70,000 a year, harm millions: Report By Kate Kelland

gone: Teenage folk singer Taylor Mitchell killed by coyotes by Jenny Booth

gone: Swiss crackdown on 'suicide tourism' could spell end of Dignitas clinic by Roger Boyes

Hans Bennett: ColorLines Magazine book review: Other: An Asian & Pacific Islander Prisoners' Anthology (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: The 40-Something Dependent Child

Joan Brunwasser: Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Thinking in Pictures"

Roberta Hart: Change (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Supreme Court will consider life sentences for juveniles

Wednesday, October 28:

Meryl Ann Butler: Exploring Portland Labyrinths: An A-Mazing Journey (3 comments)

Cathy Lynn Pagano: The Taurus Full Moon 2009: Saturn Enters Libra : All Hallow's Eve (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Lessons from Detroit Conference on Plug-in Electric Vehicles

Susan Galleymore: Jerry and Candy - Family of War

Joan Brunwasser: Part Four: Talking with Remote Area Medical Founder, Stan Brock (6 comments)

gone: Refugee Torty leads an epic life By KATHY WEBB

Margaret Bassett: An Evening of Mobilization Against the War in Afghanistan

Tuesday, October 27:

gone: Extinct bison body could rewrite Canadian archaeological record By Randy Boswell

Grant Lawrence: Culture of 'We' Beats a Society of 'Me' When it Comes to Depression

gone: Save the planet: eat a dog? By TANYA KATTERNS (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Still Riding the Edge

Margaret Bassett: Refugees Unsettle the West

Joan Brunwasser: Part Three: Talking with Remote Area Medical Founder, Stan Brock

PrMaine: A Review of Thom Hartmanns Book: Screwed

Jeffrey Dach: Failed Hatchet Job on Larry King, Suzanne Somers, Knockout (1 comments)

gone: Change Player Size Watch this video in a new window Robot swarms 'evolve' effective communication By: Surfdaddy Orca

Margaret Bassett: "People in Afghanistan Want Change" (2 comments)

Brasch: Sex, Silicone, and Suits: Miss California Goes a-Courtin' (1 comments)

Monday, October 26:

Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: Talking with Remote Area Medical Founder, Stan Brock (1 comments)

Steven Barnes: Daddy? When Am I Ready To Have Sex? (1 comments)

Alexandra Bonifield: 2009 Bioneers Conference Bumps Carson Film

GLloyd Rowsey: The Greens and Blues and Blacks and Oranges of Donald Sultan, A Most Original and Recognizable Painter (1 comments)

John Little: Villa and Zapata – A History of the Mexican Revolution, Part 3: the Civil War and its aftermath

robert braunstein: Big Government Resigns (2 comments)

Rob Kall: Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Animals in Translation"

Sunday, October 25:

Joan Brunwasser: Talking with Remote Area Medical Founder, Stan Brock (1 comments)

gone: Vancouver church hosts right-to-die doctor after library event cancelled By John Bermingham

Ursula Siebert: Plow and Harrow

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Logical Conclusion/Full Circle" (parts 1&2 of a series) (1 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Animals Think--But Monty Wishes More People Would

Saturday, October 24:

Rob Kall: Review: Phil Roy's In the Weird, Small Hours CD

gone: Japanese firms to develop small nuclear reactors

gone: Anti-magpie cranial protection research

martinweiss: *New York Times Moves to Broadway

gone: S - C - O - R - E !

Georgianne Nienaber: If It's Art, Must It Be Pornography? (7 comments)

John R Moffett: Mercury rain from power plants OK'd until end of 2011

Allan Wayne: Iraqi Nights (4 comments)

Friday, October 23:

Grant Lawrence: Warning Ladies: Toxic Ingredients in Avon Products, FDA Does Little Regulation of Cosmetics

gone: 1940s IDEAS AS WEAPONS

Russ Buchanan: (Video) "Save the Institution!" by Russ Buchanan

GLloyd Rowsey: Jimmy Ernst, Five Decades of Just Another American Modernist (8 comments)

Jim Miles: A Choice of Enemies - Book Review

Thursday, October 22:

Margaret Bassett: Autism Around the World

gone: the roadkill conference by Jacob Berkowitz

Margie Burns: A Watershed Moment in Health Policy (1 comments)

Jeffrey Dach: Knockout by Suzanne Somers, Questions Cancer Treatment (7 comments)

Wednesday, October 21:

John Little: Villa and Zapata – A History of the Mexican Revolution, Part 2: Villa and Zapata – the main players (5 comments)

Cenerentola: Spirit of Mahatma Gandhi Comes to DC

Margaret Bassett: Reporter Jack Nelson Dies at 80; Journalist Helped Raise L.A. Times to National Prominence

Tuesday, October 20:

Jason Paz: Honor Killing: Rana Husseini (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Talking with Andy Ostroy, of The Ostroy Report

Margaret Bassett: Water Across the Divide

Margaret Bassett: Ordained, Gay, and Black

Jason Paz: Movie Review: Ajami, Israel [2009] (3 comments)

John R Moffett: Windows 7 Could Wash Away Vista Aftertaste -- or Most of It

Monday, October 19:

Joan Brunwasser: Part Three: Talking with Former Health Insurance Executive Wendell Potter

Margaret Bassett: Inflation Calculator: Bureau of Labor Statistics (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: At Book Fair, a Subplot About Chinese Rights

gone: To spot an alien, follow the pollution trail by David Shiga

Sunday, October 18:

Rev. Dan Vojir: Truly Scary, Part IV: When Christofascists Turn On Themselves (11 comments)

Olga Bonfiglio: These Weeds Aren't Made for Whacking

Joan Brunwasser: Part Two, Talking with Former Health Insurance Executive Wendell Potter (2 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Sweat Lodge Deaths' Guru Promised Spiritual and Financial Wealth (2 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: William T. Wiley and the Definition of “Mixed Media” (7 comments)

robert braunstein: Buy Partisanship

Joan Brunwasser: Talking with Former Health Insurance Executive Wendell Potter (4 comments)

Saturday, October 17:

gone: New camera promises to capture your whole life by Kurt Kleiner (2 comments)

Richmond Shreve: Swine Flu Characteristics Becoming More Evident -- Links to Pneumonia, Rapid Effects on Young Noted

Jason Paz: Thirty GOP Senators Say Yes to Gang Rape (3 comments)

Friday, October 16:

gone: Duelity by Ryan Uhrich

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Prozac of the Neanderthal ,The origins of Human Religious Behavior (15 comments)

Mr. Moderate: All Evidence to the Contrary by Lane Wallace

william maynard: if i said...

Margaret Bassett: Vatican to Host Galileo Exhibit

Margaret Bassett: Friendship Between Chinese, Jewish People Reflected in Exhibition (1 comments)

gone: Prehistoric man faster than todays best athletes? (1 comments)

Don Smith: “We Shall Overcharge” : Billionaires for Wealthcare

Thursday, October 15:

Margaret Bassett: Do Dems Still Need 60 Senate Votes for Health Care?

Richmond Shreve: H1N1 Flu Self-Evaluator by US Government

Margaret Bassett: Sharp Red, Blue Divide On U.S. Healthcare System

Eileen Fleming: Responding to Stephen Colbert and Justice Scalia

Richmond Shreve: CDC Recommended Vaccines: Give Yourself a Boost (2 comments)

gone: Pentagon Blob-Bot Changes Shape, Lurches Ahead By Noah Shachtman

GLloyd Rowsey: Daniel Garber, An American Bridge Between French Expressionism and Abstract Expressionism? (8 comments)

Wednesday, October 14:

Cathy Lynn Pagano: Libra New Moon, October 17-18, 2009

April Moore: The Persistence of Life

Brasch: An Extension of Her Motherhood: Sherry Carpenter--Journalist and Animal Care Provider

Don Smith: "They're out to get us!" On trust, distrust, and organizing for change (28 comments)

Tuesday, October 13:

Margaret Bassett: Nobel Laureate Wields Great Business Influence

Margaret Bassett: Cleansing the Air at the Expense of Waterways

Richmond Shreve: Mayo Clinic: Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza (5 comments)

gone: male sex organ photomicrography by Betsy Mason

Richmond Shreve: Johns Hopkins Recommends Flu Shots (15 comments)

Andrew Glikson: The Upper limit to CO2 for Human Habitats

Monday, October 12:

Mac McKinney: Poetry and Music Review of Caroline Herring's Golden Apples of the Sun (6 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: Talking with"Aftermath" Playwrights Jessica Blank and Erik Jensen

Margaret Bassett: Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap

Margaret Bassett: Elinor Ostrom, First Woman to Receive Nobel in Economics

Sunday, October 11:

Eileen Fleming: John Lennon's 69th, me and U2 (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Talking with "Aftermath" Playwrights Jessica Blank and Erik Jensen (2 comments)

Richmond Shreve: The Truth About Vaccines (4 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Swine Flu Vaccine per MayoClinic

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Unheard Voices" (8th in a series) (1 comments)

Charlotte Wilson: "Bright Star" The Movie - What would poet, John Keats be like today (1 comments)


Margaret Bassett: Robert F. Williams Speaks--Rustbelt Radical

Jeffrey Dach: PSA Screening for Cancer, A Failed Medical Experiment (2 comments)

Grant Lawrence: The Plague of Positive Thinking is Destroying our Society

Saturday, October 10:

Jennifer Hathaway: Marge Simpson on the cover of Playboy (4 comments)

Allan Wayne: Ken Doss, Khe Sanh. Part 1. (6 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Scoop

GLloyd Rowsey: An Appreciation of Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Full Spectrum Dominance, by Noam Chomsky (3 comments)

Lance Ciepiela: *Obama's Rise To Great Success-A Slide Show (4 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: Arlene Slavin's Functional Art: Where Talent and Perfection Intersect

Friday, October 9:

Herbert Calhoun: A Review of the Movie “Capitalism A Love Story” Is Michael Moore a Permanent (Anti-) Capitalist gadfly or Change Age (4 comments)

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: What if there was not such a thing called the ACLU? (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: More Collateral Damage from the Siegelman Case: Talking with DOJ Whistleblower, Tamarah Grimes (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Here's the Skinny on Why Wal-Mart Is So Evil (and Has Made Such a Killing)

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Wobbly Premise" (7th in a series) (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

Thursday, October 8:

Chantal Laurent: Blacks Deserve Reparations for Slavery (6 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: More Collateral Damage from the Siegelman Case: Talking with DOJ Whistleblower, Tamarah Grimes (6 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Larry Summers and the White House Economic Team

Robert Arend: Gore Vidal's United States of fury: by Johann Hari

Margaret Bassett: In First Lady's Roots, a Complex Path From Slavery

Margaret Bassett: Herta Müller Wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Janis Kay: Health care reform: Saving American lives - Countdown with Keith Olbermann-

Wednesday, October 7:

Joan Brunwasser: Part Three: Talking with Harvey Wasserman, activist, journalist, author, college professor (and more)

Cenerentola: Greedocracy? A Love Story? (1 comments)

Mikhail Lyubansky: Happiness Is In the Eye of the Beholder (1 comments)

Tuesday, October 6:

Mark Biskeborn: Choice Resort Opens the Sanford Juarez Vacation Exclusive (Humor) (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: Talking with Harvey Wasserman, activist, journalist, author, college professor (and more) (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Iowa Academic Blazes Trail in Study of Forgiveness

Gary G. Kohls MD: Duty to Warn: Diet Coke is Poison (12 comments)


Ari Bussel: Repentance (2 comments)

Monday, October 5:

Margaret Bassett: 5 Truths About Health Care in America (1 comments)

Don Smith: Margaret Mead meets Morgan Stanley

John Bennett: The Color of Equality

Sunday, October 4:

Margaret Bassett: Mad As Hell Doctors Rally in D.C. (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: India Bans 'Nehru and Mountbatten Love Scenes' from Film

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Double Agent" (6th in a series) (1 comments)

Jason Paz: Day of Atonement: Prayers and Practices

John R Moffett: Ground Beef, E Coli and You (2 comments)

Saturday, October 3:

Deacon Solomon: Wine Coolers served One Door Away from Heaven

Margaret Bassett: Barack Obama Leads Mahatma Gandhi Birthday Tributes

GLloyd Rowsey: Arlene Slavin's Murals Since 1978 and Paintings Since 1989: Where Talent and Perfection Intersect (2 comments)

Friday, October 2:

Rob Kall: 14-year-old tied for lead in LPGA tournament

Joan Brunwasser: Greening America: Talking with Mindful Metropolis Publisher/CEO Richard McGinnis, Part Two (2 comments)

Jill Jackson: The Perks of a LetterMan (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Advantage Google (2 comments)

John Bessa: The "Art Roots"

Jim Miles: Make love...make war - two sides of the Israeli coin (1 comments)

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Hidden Baggage" (5th in a series) (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Wall Street Plans to Tap into $26 Trillion Life Insurance Market, Cashing in When People Die (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Greening America: Talking with Mindful Metropolis Publisher/CEO Richard McGinnis

Margaret Bassett: Obama Stumps in Denmark for Chicago's Olympic Bid

Thursday, October 1:

Michael Fox: TCM Depression Film Festival is a Must See (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: *Vote of No Confidence in E-Voting Merger, Part Two: Talking with Democracy Warrior Nancy Tobi (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Congressman Grayson Has Just Begun to Fight

GLloyd Rowsey: An Appreciation of the Book “Kennedy and the Promise of the Sixties” by W. J. Rorabaugh

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Symbolism and Intent" (4th in a series) (1 comments)


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