W. Edwards Deming, the American management guru most credited with the post-WW II Japanese economic miracle said:” A Bad System Will Beat a Good Person Every Time”

'A bad system will beat a good person every time.' -- W. Edwards Deming
(Image by Sonja Chevre) Details DMCA
So if a bad system will be beat a good person every time what can you do? You have to focus not on trying harder within the current system but on changing the system so that success is built into the system.
Unfortunately, the less than 15 months from April 30, 2015 to July 28, 2016 was not enough time to change the Democratic Party Primary System, with its too many closed primaries and the Superdelegate system which Bernie Sanders has made us vividly aware of. This awareness is Bernie Sanders’ unsung Achievement which we can remedy by the 2018 primaries; then “A good system will encourage good people to succeed every time.”