LOOK AT THE EDUCATION FIASCO in LA because this scenario is playing out across the nations as public education is privatized. Billionaire Eli Broad has a new takeover scheme to HIDE his name, but still 'charterize' the district; it is designed to convert public education into a business model and a vehicle for free market profiteering, with the taxpayers footing the bills.In Orwellian fashion his project is called: Great PUBLIC Schools Now. The only thing 'public' is the use of taxpayers money. LAUSD, which has a yearly budget of over $7 billion, has been mired in confusion, corruption, and inefficiency for many decades, and has the most charter schools in the nation; they do not serve many kids who are English Language Learners, kids who are handicapped or with special needs. It is imperative for the public to raise voices to support public schools.