Another in-depth, hard-hitting article from CounterPunch. Interestingly, it supports, IMO, Guglielmo's and my comments, about the reason Venezuela has so many economic problems. Hugo Chavez, like Chile's Allende, believed he could avoid Fidel's rupture with capitalism by constructing a mixed economy.
Turns out, those who attempt this impossible feat might as well invite a viper to sit at the dinner table. Sooner or later, the host must kill the viper and ensure its relatives cannot visit; or the viper will kill the host. There is no alternative. No 'Going along, to get along', as has been tried by many governments in the past. Latin American history has numerous other examples of attempts to loosen the strangle-hold of the US, without tossing down the gantlet.
They litter our history like abandoned cars in a junk-yard!