House Passes Resolution Condemning President Donald Trump's Racist Comments | Hardball | MSNBC The House of Representatives of the United States voted to condemn President Trump for having .legitimized fear and hatred of new Americans and people of ...
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Most “older, white evangelicals…are unlikely to ditch him, no matter how offensive his comments.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who Trump today called one of the “four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse,” is a “4-for-4 grievance magnet” for his Fox News audience. Axios says “white swing voters agreed with Trump on immigration,” and “white Democrats with high levels of racial resentment were likely to vote … Republican. Facebook is often his incubator. He has spent three times more than all Democratic contenders combined on Facebook, with a mix of message-testing immigration lines to appealing to Hispanics who seem susceptible to his worldview.”