60% of the State Department’s highest-ranking diplomats have left, but John Feeley, a Foreign Service officer for 27 years who never joined a political party, broke with his peers by publicly declaring his reasons :“Why I Could No Longer Serve This President.” He said that Trump had “warped and betrayed the traditional core values of the US; America is undoubtedly less welcome in the world today.” He feared that the country was embracing an attitude that was profoundly inimical to diplomacy: the strong do what they will and the weak do what they must. “If we do that my experience & my world view is that we will become weaker and less prosperous.” He wrote, “My values were not his values…. [he[ is “clearly a flawed man... the world is an unstable and complex enough place that we, and the U.S. President, should not be the cause of more chaos.”