Outraged by Texas’ racist measures, activists responded by flooding the statehouse with chants of “shame!” Matt Rinaldi then called ICE “on illegal immigrants who held signs in the gallery which said ‘I am illegal and here to stay.'”.
State Rep. Ramon Romero said that Rinaldi “saw a bunch of people who look Latino, and assumed they were undocumented. How can he say SB4 won’t lead to racial profiling?” Rinaldi’s actions let to Rep. Cesar Blanco, receiving a racist message from a man railing on “illegal alien spics” and saying he “stands with” Rinaldi. “White power,” the man said before ending the conversation.
Protesters demonstrated outside Rinaldi’s office with “bags of ice.” “Dallas political activist Carlos Quintanilla, used social media to organize Wednesday's protest, wanting to let Rinaldi know protesters will work to remove him from his seat in 2018.”