“My mentor, William F. Buckley, vowed to stand athwart history, yelling, ‘Stop!,” Brooks writes. “Today’s Republicans don’t even seem to see the train that is running them over.” Brooks is neither liberal/progressive nor far-right; he is centrist, has written columns critical of liberals and progressives. But his new column admonishes Republicans, citing demographics that don’t work in their favor; in the 2018 midterms, “voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67% to 32%"; that according to Pew Research, 57% of Millennials consider themselves “consistently liberal or mostly liberal” — whereas a mere 12% of Millennials “call themselves consistently conservative or mostly conservative.” To make matters worse, Brooks warns Republicans, “recent surveys of Generation Z voters” indicate "they are even more liberal than Millennials.”