Lpez Obrador pide la liberacin de Assange para que .no se le siga torturando. El presidente de Me'xico, Andre's Manuel Lpez Obrador, pidi este viernes la liberacin de Julian Assange, fundador de WikiLeaks, al considerar que los ...
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Lopez Obrador, a leftist who has close ties with Britain’s opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, expressed his solidarity with Assange and said he hoped the former hacker and activist is “forgiven and released” from prison.
“I don’t know if he has recognised that he acted against rules and norms of a political system, but at the time these cables demonstrated how the world system functions in its authoritarian nature,” Lopez Obrador said in response to a question about Assange at a regular government news briefing.
“Hopefully consideration will be given to this, and he’s released and won’t continue to be tortured.”
Assange’s presence in London, holed up in Ecuador’s embassy and then in jail, has been a diplomatic irritation for Britain, affecting domestic politics and relations with several countries.