Palestinian teen activist Ahed Tamimi has been released from Israeli prison after completing an eight-month sentence in a case that sparked international condemnation. Tamimi broke down in tears as an emotional crowd welcomed her in the village of Nabi Saleh on Sunday. She was released with her mother, Nariman, who also served an eight-month sentence. Addressing the crowd, Tamimi thanked activists and the media for their support during her prison stay.

Ahed Tamimi speaking at the The Role of Women in the Palestinian Popular Struggle Conference
(Image by Alberto Hugo Rojas) Details DMCA
RT @SWP_Britain: Ahed Tamimi is free and home at last. #Israel is a racist state #AhedTamimi #FreePalestine 🇵🇸#Palestine #Gaza… at
— D15Socialist (@D15Socialist) July 29, 2018
RT @MiddleEastEye: "All the female prisoners in jail are strong, and I thank everyone who stood by me while I was in prison" - Ahed Tamimi… at
— V. Malik (@Forbysen) July 29, 2018
RT @Redlabour2016: We’re glad that Ahed Tamimi has finally been released. But the truth is that she should never have been jailed. We send… at
— Sheila Gallagher (@sheilag01) July 29, 2018
RT @kumailsoomro: Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi was released from prison after serving eight months for slapping two Israeli soldiers.… at
— Tania Saleem (@TaniaPalijo) July 29, 2018
RT @MrBenSellers: Anyone who thinks Ahed Tamimi was imprisoned for 8 months purely for slapping a soldier needs to go deeper. It was becaus… at
— Sue McCormick (@LadyBrainSueMcC) July 29, 2018