Exam | Hand completing a multiple choice exam. | Alberto G. | Flickr1024 Ã-- 684 - 168k - jpg
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"When I read this post by Steven Singer, I was so excited that I thought about devoting an entire day to it. Like posting it and posting nothing else for the entire day. Or posting this piece over and over all day to make sure you read it. It is that important. His post explains 2 different phenomena. 1- why is standardized testing so ubiquitous? What does it have a death grip on public education? 2- Race to the Top made testing even more consequential, and the new ESSA keeps up the mandate to test every child every year from grades 3-8. No other country does this? Why do we? He begins like this:“It’s easy to do business when the customer is forced to buy.But is it fair, is it just, or does it create a situation where people are coerced into purchases they wouldn’t make if they had a say in the matter?"