In cases where teachers are accused of anything and everything, no exculpatory evidence is ever examined regarding charges. Even though polygraph testing has become more and more reliable for showing whose telling the truth between two individuals, it is still capable of deception on an individual basis.But what if we weren't dealing with individuals, but rather groups of targeted now ex-LAUSD teachers who continue to profess their innocence of wrong doing after either being forced into early retirement or fired based on charges they continue to maintain are false and completely fabricated as in the present case of nationally recognized teacher Rafe Esquith? What if all or a significant portion of the now thousands of such teachers agreed to pay for and submit to a polygraph test, which shows that they or the vast majority of them are telling the truth, when it comes to charges of immorality or other alleged bad acts that were used by LAUSD to force them out of their teaching jobs for a windfall financial savings. This allowed LAUSD to replace them with emergency credentialed fresh-out-of-college graduates paid at a fraction of the cost!