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John Sarbanes wants to reduce the influence of big money in politics -- to Neutralize Rich Political Givers & Subsidize Small Donors, and give Americans skin in the political game. This would liberate members of Congress, who spend 832,000 hours fundraising -- equivalent to 94 years of eight-hour work days -- from the daily grind of begging special interests to finance campaigns that now cost multimillions of dollars . His bill would create a 6-to-1 matching fund for small donations ($150 or less). It's endorsed by a broad coalition of labor, environmental, civil rights and reform groups. "Everything moves the parties, the candidates. the government apparatus, to where it’s completely dependent on the big-money interests,” Sarbanes says, “and you get then what they pay for.” The challenge is, to “completely change the way we fund campaigns as opposed to just burning the place down?”