Coalition for Public Education/Coalicin por la Educacin Pblica ...
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"This Indiana teacher, a conservative, calls out Mike Pence for his ongoing attacks on the teaching profession, and what he did to the public schools on his home state. "He didn't do it alone. He had the help of Republicans who control the legislature, and he built on the anti-public school record of his predecessor Mitch Daniels." The New York Times reviewed Pence’s record on education, noting his support for charters and vouchers and his efforts to undermine State Superintendent Gloria Ritz, who received more votes than Pence in 2012. All the sources the Times quoted are conservatives." Ravitch adds: "This is what Pence brings to the Republican Party ticket if he follows the path he’s paved in Indiana. If you don’t think education effects all parts of society, then education has benefitted you. If you know what the school-to prison pipeline is, then I don’t need to explain anymore."