The Gwich'in Nation Tells the BLM To Stay Out of the Arctic Refuge [Fort Yukon, Alaska] Arctic Refuge On February 7th, 2019, the Bureau of Land Management held a public forum in Fort Yukon, Alaska, to discuss their highly controversial ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: Jeremy La Zelle) Details DMCA
90,000-pound trucks and bulldozers crash through your home, leaving behind permanent scars. Gwich’in people whose ancestral homelands are the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge have called this home for millennia. Houston based SAExploration has applied for seismic testing in the Arctic Refuge; public pressure has delayed these plans by as much as a year, but the coastal plain won’t be safe as long as the company continues this destructive exploration as soon as possible, part of a broader assault on the Arctic and the Gwich’in Nation. After congress passed legislation opening up the refuge for oil and gas, Trump rapidly sold off the coastal plain to industry. Proposed seismic testing is the first step in plans to exploit this unique wilderness for fossil fuel industry profits.