At times like this, you need a scorecard to keep track of the multitudinous organizations created by the billionaires who want to replace public schools with charter schools. Tom Ultican is one of the few people able to sort out the charter menagerie; he has become a scholar of the privatization movement. in this post, he reviews the efforts of the charter lobby to undermine the effort to reform the egregiously defective charter law in California.The Waltons, Reed Hastings, Eli Broad, Bill Gates, and assorted billionaires think they can create the illusion of popular support by spinning off more and more AstroTurf groups that have no connection to parents or teachers. Just money. Their ruse is failing. Betsy DeVos must be enjoying the charade. Congrats to Sup't Tony Thurmond for getting a reasonable set of recommendations for charter law reform from a deeply divided task force."