" Here is my answer to all the 'conservatives' that keep asking how AOC plans to pay for the New Green Deal . If my funding suggestion for AOC's Green New Deal was implemented, the US would still be spending twice what China does and 9x what Russia spends. This plan on military spending would free up $263 billion annually to pay for AOC’s Green New Deal. . According to Defense News, “Worldwide military spending is estimated to have reached $1.7 trillion in 2017-- highest level of military expenditure since the end of the Cold War.” The U.S. spends 35% of the worldwide total and China is #2 with 13%. Then, there is this. Trump lies and brags that he has the support of the military. No, he doesn't. He has the support of some of the military but not all of the military, not even the majority of the troops support DT."