Trump Porn Partner Response to the State of the Union | Flickr772 Ã-- 439 - 128k - jpg
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"Bill Clinton was our first frat-boy president. Down the ladder we go until we reach the bottom rung: Donald Trump. He’s not an undisciplined golden boy whose private behavior, if exposed, could destroy his image. He is miles away from Playboy and its endless offerings of clean, healthy girls whose prettiness was as central as their sexinessHe’s not a playboy or, really, much of a husband. He’s a porn president, where every intimate interaction is for sale if the money is right, and where the underlying truth of each deal is that at the end of it somebody is going to get screwed. . He is the first truly shameless president — and that is why it is Stormy Daniels—more than the FBI or the IRS or the string of women who have claimed sexual harassment or abuse by him—who just might take him down. "