alex evans- just lies by rawr423 on DeviantArt600 Ã-- 773 - 40k - jpg
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Remember the song from "Oklahoma," about "the farmers and the ranchers can be friends?" Well, DeVos assured her allies in the privatization movement that voucher-lovers and charter-lovers are on the same team. They both want the money that now goes to public schools! The DeVos Doctrine presented here includes several of her emerging greatest hits, such as the idea that parents choosing a school is a pure exercise of democracy. It is not! There is nothing democratic about requiring the taxpaying public to foot the bill for your personal private choice. The final chorus of this hymn to privatization is to declare that "education is not a zero-sum game. But, it is exactly that! As long as every taxpayer dollar spent to send a student to a private charter or voucher school is a dollar taken away from the public system, then a zero-sum game is exactly what we have."