On 10.20.2011, NATO-backed forces murdered their captive Muammar Ghaddafi grotesquely on camera. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said “I want him dead,” and after his death gloated that, “We came, we saw, he died,” refiguring Julius Caesar’s message to the Roman Senate after one of his own conquests in the same Mediterranean region. Less than a month later, in an 11.16.2011 “Tripoli Situation Report” in Hillary Clinton’s e-mail archive, “country managers of the three U.S. firms comprising the Waha Group (Marathon, ConocoPhillips and Amerada Hess) said meetings with its Libyan joint venture partner and the National Oil Company [NOC] this week were ‘extremely positive’ and that they were encouraged by an apparent sea change in the NOC’s attitude toward its U.S. partners.”