Bayer debera' pagar U$S 2.250 millones a hombre que contrajo ca'ncer por glifosato | #26Planeta El dinero sera' destinado al pago de sanciones punitivas en favor de John McKivison, un hombre de 49 aos que denunci haber ...
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Bayer was ordered to pay $2.25 billion after a Pennsylvania jury unanimously ruled that its Roundup weed killer gave a man cancer.
John McKivinson, 49, who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, sued Roundup maker Monsanto and its corporate parent, Bayer, saying he developed the cancer after using the herbicide on his property for two decades.
The massive payout includes $2 billion in punitive damages, McKivinson’s attorneys at Kline & Specter told The Post on Tuesday.
Jury members also found that Monsanto was negligent in warning customers about the dangers of Roundup,
The jury’s ruling is “a declaration that’s its misconduct was in reckless disregard of human safety and a substantial cause of John McKivison’s cancer.”