Adm. James Stavridis: 100% Trump Got Played By North Korea | The 11th Hour | MSNBC North Korea has warned it could deliver the U.S. an unwelcome Christmas gift -- if there's no progress on nuclear talks. Admiral James Stavridis reacts. Aired on ...
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During an MSNBC interview with Brian Williams a few days ago, retired four-star admiral James Stavridis said (out loud) the thing that everyone with a brain not besotted with ego or egg nog already knew:
WILLIAMS: I guess my first question will bring down the energy. What’s the chance our president has been played by the North Korean leader?
STAVRIDIS: I’d say about 100 percent, Brian. I hate to say that. Let’s do the good news first. The good news is, as opposed to fire and fury and we’re ramping up for a war on the Korean Peninsula, we’ve now moved into kind of rope-a-dope. But on the other hand, here I gotta agree with former national security adviser John Bolton that we are not progressing toward the stated goal of denuclearizing this peninsula. And I think Kim is just kind of playing along, he’s right on playbook from his father and his grandfather.