Tucker Carlson & Glenn Greenwald On Media & Dems Protecting Joe Biden From Health Questions Thanks for watching. Subscribe, so you don't miss out on the news of the day.
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Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of the Intercept: “The steadfast, willful refusal of Dem political & media elites to address what is increasingly visible to the naked eye, Biden’s serious cognitive decline, is frightening, not only for what it portends for 2020 but what it says about the ease of snapping them into line.”
Matt Stoller said on Twitter: "Democratic insiders know Biden has cognitive decline issues. They joke about it. They don’t care." A ghoulish gallows humor about this widespread in political circles in both parties, because people don’t see alternatives. My colleague Marc Caputo said on Twitter that a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this: “the nice old guy with Alzheimer’s against the mean old man with dementia.”
POLITICO founding editor John Harris