2018 Haiti quakes on Northern Septentrional faultline Most Likely Caused by the West Digging for Haiti Resources without regards to the life and death consequences for Haiti
Oct 6, 2018 Haiti Quake:
Western digging and the unregulated Windward Passage activities on the Haiti Septentrional faultline are most likely responsible for the Haitian people killed, untold injured and damages caused to Northern Haiti by the October 6, 2018 earthquake. Don’t let the Western white saviors, NGO poverty pimps and their Haiti conzes– sambos – further capitalize on Haiti death and plunder with their fake missionary charity and “assistance” to the new quake victims in Haiti. I said it in 2010, I’ll say it now, keep them all out of Haiti or get ready to suffer more trauma, rape, abuse, misery, fake elections and contagious diseases like cholera.