Racist, Sexist, anti-gay,
Donald Trump, go away!
Boris and Natasha across the street
Go on home and tweet, tweet, tweet!
Campaign Promises made of spite
There's no way to make 'em right.
With promises made in hate
Your downfall we await.
Shut your Tweet hole,
Get outta sight!
Cold War was a terrifying fight,
Russia and Us went head to head
They were gonna bury us, so they said
Gave us all the nuclear fright!
Trump ignored the Cold War to cozy up
Made Putin deals for campaign help.
Now if Putin can't be the U.S.'s Boss,
Deals go sour and it's Trump's loss!
Elections should be all our own.
Doubt about that trolls have shown.
Race and sex, malice toward some
You dredged up crap that is dumb!
Dupes and Stupes do Putin's works
Nobody there but American jerks!
Putin troll, maybe Trump chump, which were you?
You gave Amerika a Russki screw!