With an estimated 270 -300 million guns in America buyback operations have failed mainly because of insufficient extent and funding. More, at least temporary, harm reduction can be had without further taxation to enforce laws or gun bans. This could happen through an adequately large, narrowly tailored buyback program. Tailoring should aim it only at working semiautomatic handguns in urban areas.
Money should be available by re-purposing funds from the federal excise tax on firearms and ammunition manufactures. Originally this tax was levied to discourage production of machine guns and sawed off shotguns. It is levied on all sorts of guns and ammunition sold, including pistols, revolvers, and their ammunition. Currently, all funds from this tax go to the Wildlife Restoration Act fund enacted in 1937. These funds amount now to over $500 million per year. These programs are valuable and should be continued. But hunters generally do not hunt with 22 cal. Ruger target pistols, and 9 mill. Glocks, etc. Thus, tax money from pistols, etc. could be used to provide a reward to redeem and de-activate non-legally possessed pistols from a career of crime.
This is no panacea, but could be greatly helped by legalization of marijuana and medicalization of all drug addiction. If the lives of any poor and middle income urban dwellers matter, the federal excise tax from pistols, and their ammunition should be repurposed this way. Campaign for it, tell your federal representatives.