'Salo or
120 days of Sodom' passes at 1940's fascist Italia. About twenty boys and girls
are captured by Fascists into a desolate building. Children are said they are
convicts of Fascist managers, they shall do everything managers want, children
are sex slaves.
And children are raped, eaten sh.t and are tortured during story.
While children are raped and tortured, there are war bombs, screams which are gotten from away. While World War II goes on and while people are murdered, children aren't dying but are raped.
In other many War II movies we only see dying people and say inside they've been saved now, death is the rescue for them, because they lose family, countries and their life is senseless now, they carry a senseless life and they release a painful, traumatic life and they release their spirits. According to this, we release our pains which come from massacres we watch and say, "They died and survived."
All War II movies don't include raping or torturing acts. They are, hundreds of thousand people, murdered in a few seconds. And we say if they lived they would never be happy and they would miss their dead families, children, and parents.
But the children aren't dying, they are raped and we know that they can't die even if they want to. We wish a bomb would be targeted there and everyone died with the children. Passolini has asked that the badness was, doing badness or showing badness. There were rapes and tortures, but we couldn't see these at many movies on the War II. Isn't Badness it? So Passolini provided for us to see what happened for real during World War II.
In final sequences of the movie, fascist leaders watch children with binoculars, while children are tortured (but not murdered) in the garden. These sequences will inspire many years later, Schindler's List.
We can't think this is a horror or war movie. Music and acts are listened and watched with esthetic of bourgeois; bright, colorful and calm. We can't blame the movie with being a dark movie. No it is stylistic and it is seen in a normal movie form.