More Financialization, the Great American (Global) Sabatoge
by Arn H. Specter, arnpeace|AT|gmail.comEmail address
The following two articles by Rana Foroohar and Mike Collins reveal the inner workings of the American financial/banking system and companies. The articles linked below show many more articles of similar persuasion and concerns; that since the financial crisis of 2008 matters have worsened dramatically...resulting in much greater disparity between the rich 1% and the less well off 99%. More explained below.
It seems to me that our future rests on changes and reforms in the financial and banking sectors of the economy; including the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, the U.S. Government, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other agencies and concerns, Nothing short will help turn the economy around, create million of jobs and raise the standard of living for billions of people on the earth...Most of the writers of the articles below suggest ways to foster the necessary changes. let's pay serious attention to them...
More to follow soon.
Arn H. Specter, Philadelphia
TIME Magazine, May 23, 2016
Wall Street And The Financialization Of The Economy by Mike Collins, Forbes Magazine
Arn H. Specter (arnpeace), arnpeace|AT|gmail.comEmail address
P.O. Box 5857, Phila. Pa. 19128, Twitter and OP-Ed News
200 articles on various issues of the day.