ENVISION THIS: The entire biosphere is a symphony that we must not silence
Dr. Michael Charles Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison are world-renowned ecological philosophers and activists, interdisciplinary social and environmental scientists and broad-ranging, deeply committed humanists. One of their foremost concerns is the 'anthropology of conscience,' which emphasizes humanity's capacity for non-violence, compassion, and tolerance. They are strong advocates for animal rights. Their book, The Metaphysics of Protection, is a lyrical paean to the Earth and the complex roots of her current biological crisis. It focuses on the underpinnings of the human condition and the prospects for a viable future for all sentient beings.
Michael and Jane have been married for more than a quarter-of-a-century. Their field research across the disciplines of comparative literature, anthropology, the history of science and philosophy, ecology and ethics, in over 80 countries, has served as a telling example of what two people -- deeply in love with one another -- can accomplish in spreading that same unconditional love to others -- of all species. Between them, they have authored some 50 books and written, directed and produced some 170 films, a prolific body of work that has been read, translated and/or broadcast around the world.
The interview of Dr. Tobias and Ms Morrison by this author and his wife is on August 4, 2015 at 7:00 PM (Eastern). The url by which you can link to these powerful people is: click here