Dear Rep. Granger,
In all my life I have never felt that a President was out of control of himself, or was exhibiting frightening symptoms of a dangerous personality disorder, or was a danger to the nation. But that is exactly how I see Donald Trump. I'm sure it isn't necessary to deliver the litany of his unhinged acts here. But he must be removed from office as quickly as possible because he is a threat to world stability.
Here is the basis for his impeachment: He has stated publicly that he has delegated his war powers to "his generals". It is an impeachable offense for the President to delegate any of his Constitutionally enumerated exclusive powers to any other person or entity. These powers are not discretionary. They are his solemn responsibility--his alone.
I am not motivated by political issues. This is a violation of the highest law in the land.
He must be removed without delay without regard to any other issue.