Too many politicians have come to arrogantly believe their powers exceed the consent of the governed. Rick Snider, Governor of Michigan assumed powers of a sovereign despite the wishes of the governed.
The Governors un-elected "Emergency Managers" are no more than 21st century carpetbaggers. What Snider knowingly did to Flint Michigan through his "Emergency Managers" was a capital crime and he will get away with it because the majority of the victims were Black.
Lee Atwater, the old republican strategist believed republicans could execute any offence against the American people as long as majorities believe Blacks get hurt worse than Whites.
Sniders poisoning and destruction of a generation of mostly Black Flintonian's is no different from what the Roberts court decreed in not making the Medicade expansion mandatory under the ACA, thereby insuring the death of thousands of mostly poor American citizens.
No State Legislator, Governor or Supreme Court Justice have the constitutional privilege or right to let an American citizen suffer and/ or die because they don't like the signature legislation of a Black President.
After over sixty attempts to defund or outlaw the Affordable Care Act no legislator or governor can give a cogent reason "that's True" for opposing the ACA except for their blind hatred for the "Black" President and / or the Poor.
What's Frightening and sad, millions of Americans have no problem with the suffering and deaths associated with States refusal of medical coverage for the poor because of who those millions perception of the racial makeup of the non-covered poor to be.
To make negative choices over the health and safety of the people they are pledge to serve should be impeachable. To allow citizens to die because of a coordinate hatred and mistrust campaign against our Presidents' HealthCare legislation is a crime.