Edmund Francis Armstrong (3/11/1950 - 5/10/2023)
(Image by James J. Dougherty Funeral Home, Inc.) Details DMCA
Edmund Francis Armstrong
March 11, 1950 - May 10, 2023
Ed Armstrong was like a father to me, not in the sense of replacing my biological father, but in the same sense as my priest being a father figure. But Ed was something more than that to me. I saw a lot of myself in him, and I believe that Ed felt the same way about me. Although we were not always in agreement, Ed always supported my pursuit of the truth, and the way in which I challenge conventional wisdom and established beliefs.
Ed and I shared many passions but none greater than our sense of community. I will never forget the day that Steve Schaeber, from the Knights of Columbus, joined us (Greenbelt Overhaul Alliance of Levittown, GOAL) in digging some holes for planting in the rain garden. Afterwards, Steve invited Ed and I inside the church nearby, Saint Mary's Ukrainian Catholic, and he explained a little bit about the Eastern Rite Catholic heritage. Ed politely complemented the architecture and artistry of the Byzantine de'cor.
[Steve Schaeber is the former Grand Knight of Pokrova Council, 13561, as I am the Advocate]
Another thing that Ed and I had in common was an uncommon tolerance for pain. Recently, I had asked Ed to write me a letter of recommendation. I could tell that he was not only willing to write the letter, but Ed was also anticipating the opportunity to praise my achievements on paper. And even though he was probably in a considerable amount of pain, Ed reached out to me from the emergency room to apologize for not being able to write the letter at that point in time. Ed was focused on reassuring me that he would be writing it when he got better instead of concentrating on himself.
That takes true character. It takes grit. My last words to him, through an email, were not to worry about the letter, "Hope everything goes well, as I'm sure it will." If I had known that it was the last time I would ever speak with him, I would have chosen my words more carefully. But far too often, that is how it goes. We never know when our time is going to be up, or the time of a loved one for that matter.
Edmund Francis Armstrong, you were truly one of a kind, and a kind one at that. I will miss you for the rest of my time here on Earth, and I am glad to have known you while you were here.