We need to start with the basics, all elected officials, law enforcement, prosecutors and all members of the judiciary should receive a questionnaire from the justice department inquiring if they have ever been or attended meetings of White Supremacist, White Nationalist, Neo-Nazi or Fascist groups in America.
Another Tim Franklin fantasy.
Congress would never allow it. Many in congress could never publicly answer that question because several have been involved in some of those groups or have taken money from hate groups like the old "White Citizens Council". I would bet that if anyone on the CBC were to suggest it somebody like treasonous Tom Cotton or Jefferson Beauregard Sessions will stand on the floor of the house or the Senate and claim it's every Americans right to be a racist even in the performance of their duties.
I think our sacrifice and blood in this soil gives us a right to know who and how many so called public servants are haters of unchained black life. All of those groups have sworn an oath to themselves to stop resist, impinge even through a race war Black Americans "Life Liberty and Pursuits of Happiness".