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Former Florida GOP Gov. Charlie Crist: Here's why I'm backing Barack Obama I've studied, admired and gotten to know a lot of leaders in my life. Across Florida, in Washington and around the country, I've watched the failure of those who favor extreme rhetoric over sensible compromise, and I've seen how those who never lose sight of solutions sow the greatest successes. As America prepares to pick our president for the next four years -- and as Florida prepares once again to play a decisive role -- I'...
Climate Change - Rocky Anderson 2012 Rocky Anderson believes it is well past time for non-scientists to stop debating climate science and for America's leaders to lead on an issue that is arguably the most important challenge in the history of our species. [Note: If you like what you read about Rocky Anderson, please visit americanselect.org, sign in, and cast a vote for him. No obligation, just gets him on many or all state ballots.] 2 2 Comment Count
Paul Von Ward: Twelve 2012 Myths Twelve myths that undermine America's ability to overcome its immediate challenges. We delude ourselves and embrace assumptions that are clearly false, just to absolve ourselves from any future consequences of inaction. But the same myths are used to manipulate others in political campaigns, religious evangelism, and social pressure. 2 2 Comment Count
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Noeline Clayfield: 2012 The Movie - Convincing or Unbelievable? Some thoughts on the 2012 movie. The expensive special effects and storyline did not impress me. I was more interested in the details of Illuminati activity previously unconfirmed by them.
Better World Order: Quarter of the planet to be online by 2012 According to the report by Jupiter Research, the total number of people online will climb to 1.8 billion by 2012, encompassing roughly 25 percent of the planet. 2 2 Comment Count

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