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Rob Kall: How Systems View of Life Affects Sustainability, Health Care, Economics, Energy, Food-- Fritjof Capra Intvw Part 2 This is the second part of my two part interview with Fritjof Capra-- the part that gets into how to apply the ideas of the Systems View of life.
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Rob Kall: Fritjof Capra-- The Systems View of Life-- Replacing the Mechanistic View Fritjof Capra's book, The Systems View of Life has influenced my life and thinking more than other book since Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine. It's rocked my thinking on Bottom-up-- for the better and has opened my eyes to understanding another way that conservatives and "the system" are stuck in a mindset that is incompatible with a sustainable future that respects the planet and life itself. This book has me EXCITED!!! 6 6 Comment Count

Rob Kall: Helena Norbert-Hodge-- Answers to Globalization, Destruction of Communities-- Local, local local I am a huge fan of the work of Helena. Her movie, Economics of Happiness, is incredible. I've watched it at least four times. She gives us concrete approaches and answers to how to deal with globalization, global trade deals-- and she talks about the massive damage they do.

Rob Kall: Arlene Goldbard: Art and Story As Activism, Awakener and Change Catalyst Arlene Goldbard's book, The Culture of Possibility: Art, Artists & The Future that inspired me to invite her to be a guest on this show. It is inspiring, compelling reading that asks us to consider the world of Datastan and the Republic of stories-- two different ways the world is lived.

Rob Kall: The Bottom Up Arts Revolution-- an interview with Doug Borwick, author, Building Communities, Not Audiences We discuss the future of the arts and arts organizations. Top down arts organizations are in trouble, with defunding of the NEA and big cuts in donations from foundations and big donors. But there's another approach, a bottom up one that's giving these orgs a sustainable future.

Rob Kall: Tom Wolff: The Power of Collaborative Solutions Tom Wolff helps local people become coalitions and groups that help each other-- to collaborate-- simply, doing together what they CAN’T do apart. The problem is people have a hard time believing in their right and ability to become empowered and active participants in the community. We talk about why and how they become so disempowered-- how different parts of the system do it to us all.

Rob Kall: Chuck Collins; Answers to Tax Dodging, Ayn Rand Loving Teapartiers Collins is a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, where he directs the Program on Inequality and the Common Good. He is an expert on issues of economic inequality and taxation, and co-author of several other books including: Economic Apartheid in America: A Primer on Economic Inequality and Insecurity 7 7 Comment Count

Rob Kall: Helena Norberg-Hodge; Economics of Happiness; Getting Local instead of Globalized The Economics of Happiness is a video documentary Produced and co-edited by Helena Norberg-Hodge. I've viewed it four times and keep learning, enjoying and getting new insights from it each time. It's MUST MUST view, awakening people to the problems with globalization, how it's a huge part of the economic problem and a lot more. The answer is going local, from centralized to decentralized. 4 4 Comment Count

Rob Kall: The Abundant Community; John McKnight & Peter Block; Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods Consumerism cannot make you happy. The consumer culture will not cure you, heal you or satisfy you. 4 4 Comment Count

Rob Kall: Robert Jensen, on facing an age of collapse, and about his book, ALL MY BONES SHAKE-- seeking a progressive Path to the Prophetic Voice we are facing serious challenges to the world-- an age of collapse that gives us real reasons for anguish. How are we coping, what do we do. A conversation 2 2 Comment Count
Rob Kall: Paul Rogat Loeb; Soul of a Citizen How do we act on issues and take a stand. What are the stories we tell ourselves about citizen involvement? Parks, King, Mandela, Ghandi. IF we k now the wrong story, that limits us. Parks didn't act alone, on a whim. She took training sessions, was an officer of NAACP.

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