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Steven Sahiounie: Turkish and Egyptian leaders meet at the World Cup in Qatar This article talks about how both President of Turkey Erdogan and Egypt Sisi meet in the world Cup in Qatar
Rainer Shea: Left "anti-authoritarianism" has been counterrevolution's greatest weapon Assessing how left anti-communism has hurt workers struggles.
Rainer Shea: Gang fascism: how capital weaponizes the social ills it creates Assessing the ways gangs get used for counterrevolution.
Justin Samuels: War Against Youth in Modern Societies The dehumanization and criminalization of the youth in modern societies must stop.
Rainer Shea: U.S. uses Yugoslavia war model for its domestic counterrevolution Assessing the tactics of U.S. counterrevolutionary propaganda. . 1 1 Comment Count
NATO Flag, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Rainer Shea: NATO's cognitive warfare & the preemptive counterrevolution Assessing NATO's anti-communist propaganda tactics. .
Tsar Bomba mushroom cloud, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Rainer Shea: If World War Three happens, U.S. imperialism will break itself Assessing the blowback that a third world war would have for the U.S. 1 1 Comment Count
Anti-racist art at  Lake Street, Minneapolis, From Uploaded
Andre Vltchek: Anti-Racist Uprising in Minneapolis Infiltrated by Extreme-Right Hooligans The city of Minneapolis is where it all began. A death of just one single man can, under certain dreadful circumstances, put into motion the entire avalanche of events. But it is also where white extreme right-wing criminals, and some even say, entire regime, perpetrated the uprising, kidnapped what could have become a true revolution and began choking legitimate rebellion by a stained duvet of nihilism and confusion.
Black Lives Matter march down I-35, From FlickrPhotos
Andre Vltchek: Why Is This Ongoing American "Revolution" Bound To Fail? Observed from outer space, the United States is in a revolutionary turmoil. Fires are burning, thousands of people are confronting police and other security forces. There are barricades, banners, posters, and there is rage. It looks like a revolution, it feels like a revolution, but it is not a revolution. It definitely is not! Why? 3 3 Comment Count
Hong Kong protesters love for the US, From Uploaded
Andre Vltchek: Do Not Belittle Protesters in U.S. By Calling Their Struggle A "Color Revolution"! For almost a decade, I have been covering "Color Revolutions" in virtually all parts of the world. I mention all this just in order to establish that I am very well aware of how those "Color Revolutions" are triggered and implemented. Now some 'analysts' declare that US is now suffering from the so-called "Color Revolution". 8 8 Comment Count
Animal Farm, From FlickrPhotos
Dr. Lenore Daniels: Orwell's Animal Farm: Of Rebellion and Forgetfulness This is an article discussing Orwell's Animal Farm and its relevancy for today. 2 2 Comment Count
James A. Haught: The Taiping Rebellion Many bright, educated, knowledgeable people never heard of a horrific religious war that killed perhaps 20 million people.
Matilda, From InText
Edward Curtin: The Musical Matilda Inspires Joyous Rebellion Inspiration to rebel against injustice and cruelty can come from many sources, including a play with a child star. Musical theater, when done well, has a particularly engaging way of drawing us into serious matters while entertaining us. Matilda is such a play, especially this amazing production. 6 6 Comment Count
Family of poor Altiplano farmers, From Uploaded
Andre Vltchek: Indigenous Bolivia Ready To Go To War Against Fascism Bolivia, for decades and centuries living under monstrous apartheid has been exploited, humiliated and robbed of everything, but lately has begun rising to its feet. 2 2 Comment Count
JACK RANDOM: The Fall of Bolivian Democracy While our eyes and ears were trained to the impeachment hearings concerning our president's attempt to solicit foreign interference in the upcoming presidential election, clandestine and nefarious forces were at work overturning an election in Latin America. 1 1 Comment Count
EVO YES, battered with graffitti, From Uploaded
Andre Vltchek: Evo Overthrown, But Bolivian Socialism Will Be Victorious! They pledged to do it, and they did - Bolivian feudal lords, mass media magnates and other treasonous "elites"- they overthrew the government, broke hope and interrupted an extremely successful socialist process in what was once one of the poorest countries in South America. Evo Morales, legitimate President of Bolivia, elected again and again by his people, is leaving his beloved country. 3 3 Comment Count
after the coup in Alexandria - they wanted Morsi back, From Uploaded
Andre Vltchek: Morsi Died, Or Was Murdered, While Reciting A Patriotic Poem In A Cage Former President of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, had finished his 15-minute discourse in a courtroom, while being locked inside a sound-proofed cage. He read a poem about his love for Egypt, and then collapsed, and died. His demise sent shock-waves all over Egypt, the region and the Muslim world.
Carmine Gorga, Ph.D.: Redemption of the Bully What to do with President Trump? Impeachment, if feasible at alll, will take a long time -- and it will split the country asunder. Would a call for The Redemption of the Bully unify the country? The Greeks used ostracism to deal with obnoxious politicians; can we invent a Program of Redemption? 7 7 Comment Count
Nuclear Winter, From FlickrPhotos
Mike Rivage-Seul: The Effing Morons Have Taken Over: It's Time to Discuss Revolution Inspired by Daniel Ellsberg's new book, here's an invitation to discuss patriotic rebellion in the light of the most serious of Washington's many "abuses and usurpations" we've been made to endure over the last 70 years. 8 8 Comment Count
Albert Camus2, From WikimediaPhotos
Edward Curtin: Reviving the Spirit of Existential Rebellion in a World of Propaganda, Lies, and Self Deception In a world where lying, self-deception, and propaganda is ubiquitous,and the belief in individual freedom has been under assault for decades,we need to revive the spirit of existential truth to create a worldwide movement to abolish nuclear weapons before they are used to abolish us. 2 2 Comment Count
Jerry Kann: Five Choices Here I review five basic, competing ideas about where the progressive movement should go next. One: "Taking over" the Democratic Party. Two: Everyone going into the Green Party. Three: Drafting Bernie Sanders. Four: Launching a massive campaign of non-violent civil disobedience. Five: Establishing a new, independent political party of working people. 11 11 Comment Count

Dale Ruff: Reflections on Trumpocracy: the sadistic roots of the authoritarian personalty I attempt an analysis of Trump's authoritarian style and its appeal to his followers using the existential view of freedom as a threat to those who seek power and those who seek powerful leaders. 12 12 Comment Count
My Doom Has Come Upon Me, From FlickrPhotos
Matthew Vernon Whalan: The Political Philosophy of Vision and Rebellion in the 21st Century The political philosophy behind the reasons to rebel and the way of resistance. The fight for truth and justice is necessarily endless. "There are some fires that water cannot put out." MLK 1 1 Comment Count
From flickr.com/photos/38451115@N04/3884856705/: Resist!, From Images
Ryan: Election Fraud to Broken Promises to Revolution After years of red-state Republican officials perpetrating massive election fraud, disenfranchising millions of deeply frustrated Democratic voters, and with Trump about to break most of his patronizing campaign promises to violently angry followers, our country is primed for all-out rebellion against the ruling elites. The fantasy world portrayed on imported big-screen TVs may no longer be enough to pacify the boiling masses. 10 10 Comment Count
From ImagesAttr
Mike Rivage-Seul: Maybe We Should Embrace President Trump: Is He Our Only Hope? Donald Trump represents what's needed to spark and catalyze the revolution against everything he and our country has come to embody. His election may be what's required to destroy the system as we know it and to catalyze the revolution roiling just below the surface of contemporary American life. 15 15 Comment Count
Occupy Wall Street October 7, 2011, From FlickrPhotos
Matthew Vernon Whalan: We Got Next The politics of reality in an age of nuclear weapons and climate change, and how we can save our future. 17 17 Comment Count
Robert Weiner: Risking Small Boat Migration to Europe: Why Egyptian Teens Risk Their Lives Egypt needs the education and skills to better the lives of its young people, and make the dangerous decision to try and flee less appealing. The truth is, Middle Eastern nations need to spend some of their money from billions of dollars in military aid and use it instead for education and training of their young people.
Abdus-Sattar Ghazali: Balochistan: The Indian Connection: India offers political asylum to Baloch secessionist leaders Indian government of Narinder Modi has offered political asylum to secessionist Baloch leaders, CNN-News18 reported the top Indian sources as saying. The sources said they wanted the Baloch leaders to formally apply for asylum and that this would be granted in a matter of a few weeks.

The Irony of 'Hamilton' Creator Lin-Manuel Miranda's Advocacy For Puerto Rico Ironically, 'Hamilton' creator Lin-Manuel Miranda achieved the celebrity he's now using to advocate for the Puerto Rican people by glorifying and aggrandizing the most ruthless champion of creditors in American history. 2 2 Comment Count
Abdus-Sattar Ghazali: Pakistan's dirty war in Balochistan The deafening blast that ripped through scores of mourners in a Quetta hospital on Monday (August 8) has killed at least 93 people, mainly lawyers, in this year's bloodiest terror attack in Pakistan. The massive explosion occurred when nearly 100 lawyers and some journalists reached the Civil Hospital with the body of Bilal Anwar Kasi, president of the Balochistan Bar Association, who was killed earlier.

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