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Daniel Day-Lewis as President Lincoln in a movie still from
Jennifer Epps: LINCOLN: Making History Film review of Steven Spielberg's new film "Lincoln" and a commentary on its relevance to our times: Obama, the 2012 election, and the current movement to amend the constitution to return democracy to the people and take it out of the hands of corporations. 14 14 Comment Count
Judith Bardwick: Transitioning Out of Powerlessness Into Revitalization Creating opportunity for revitalization in your corporation. 1 1 Comment Count
Judith Bardwick: Agility and Career Power in Recessionary Times Taking employees into consideration during these recessionary times.
A musical tribute to corporate excess in the style of the Capitol Steps, From ImagesAttr
Occupy the Hallelujah Chorus: A Must See Musical Tribute to Wall St Excess Hallelujah Corporations: This musically excellent and lyrically inspired redux of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus was conceived, rehearsed and filmed in Tamworth, NH. Tamworth, the summer home of President Grover Cleveland, is a small town with a population of 2556 that has as its backdrop Mt Chocorua, the most photographed mountain in America. It is part of Occupy The Mt Washington Valley, and it is clearly home to four of t...
Corporations Are People, From ImagesAttr
Steve Breyman: The Key to My Raise: Corporate U Marches On Corp U appears here to stay. Rick Perry likes it that way.
P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Serving Time" (5th in a series) What if corporations could be convicted of their crimes? After Fremont-Wayfarer was incarcerated for theft, the newly unionized workforce agreed to the CEO's ploy to capitalize on their infamy, but they turned his plans against him. His idea sounded good on paper, but now the workers have to sell the surreal sight of a prison-themed restaurant to their customers. And not all of them think it was a good idea at all. 1 1 Comment Count

Timothy V. Gatto: Review: Armed Madhouse by Greg Palast Every single chapter left me numb. All of the things that I had taken for granted, things I thought I knew, were unceremoniously exploded before my very eyes, by the best explosive expert in the literary world. The one thing that kept running through my mind after reading the things he was writing (that were also backed up with facts and pictures), was why hasn't this been reported on by the media? 3 3 Comment Count
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: SOME QUESTIONS FOR CANCER RESEARCHERS AND THE CDC, WHAT IF CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE? a look at the corrupt paradigm of the drug and medical arts/sciences industries, locking us into Dark Ages approach to healing, with greed as the major motivating force, and how to undo it starting with a paradigm-busting look at the way in which cancer is viewed and "treated." 9 9 Comment Count
Pamela Drew: Breast Cancer Awareness Month Profiteers and Hype If you watch nightly, network news it is impossible to miss commercials for drugs that help improve your chemotherapy experience. Cancer is a term used casually and better treatment is sold like every other consumer product. 3 3 Comment Count
Amanda Lang: "One sick child away from being fired" The 83-page report, "One Sick Child Away From Being Fired: When 'Opting Out' Isn't an Option," analyzes 99 cases of work vs. life conflict that went to arbitration (the legal negotiation process for union workers). 3 3 Comment Count
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Copyright Law Does Not Cover Photographs Which Merely Copy Paintings (And Other Photographs) Which Are Now Public Domain The Corporate Media falsely claim ownership of Public Domain photographs which really belong to all people. They want you to think these images belong to them, not to you. Any claim of copyright on such photographs is false and perhaps also fraudulent.

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