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From InText
Gary Lindorff: Covid-Epistle XI: How living under the pandemic has changed me as a writer Covid-Epistle XI, originally written for scantbehappening.net, the poet explores how writing in these times is a little like walking on water.
Sean Wilentz 1272006., From WikimediaPhotos
Richard Hofstadter and the "Paranoid Style": Irrationalism, Conspiratorial Thinking and Suspicion of Elites in America Question Posed To: Prof, Sean Wilentz, George Henry Davis 1886 Professor of American History at Princeton University. His many books include The Politicians and the Egalitarians: The Hidden History of American Politics (2016); Bob Dylan in America (2010); and The Age of Reagan: A History, 1974–2008 (2008). The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln (2005) was award... 28 28 Comment Count
Duality, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Ethan Indigo Smith: The Spiritual Either/Or The Spiritual Either/Or Either everything Or nothing is sacred
Kamala Sarup: Human behavior implies the progress of the political This article is about the psychological concept of attention. I also studied psychology, hypnosis and counseling when I was studying in college.

John Hawkins: Take Back the Night Like A Fresh Burning Star Book Review. Poetry by feminists from around the world. A lively, trenchant and lyrical collection of utterances that is a timely response to Trump and all his isms and a call to gather together an' resist de piece in the White House and his nonsense by any legal means necessary. Bring humor hat in case it rains. 1 1 Comment Count
Splendors of the Spirit: Swedenborg's Quest for Insight (Biographical Documentary) An examination of the life and thought of Swedish scientist-turned-seer Emanuel Swedenborg from award-winning producer Penny Price. Released in 2006 by ..., From YouTubeVideos
Al Hirschfield: The Amazing Emanuel Swedenborg Emanuel Swedenborg is one of those exceedingly rare beings who probably shouldn't have existed, but undoubtedly did. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote of him and Dante, "They are not the kind of people you'd invite over for dinner. They're the kind of people you'd go see in a museum." And of Swedenborg himself, Emerson wrote in his "Representative Men": One of the mastodons of literature, not to be measured by entire libraries.. 4 4 Comment Count
PNG entrepreneur Mr. Sh*t, From Uploaded
John Hawkins: Abba Bina: Manus Manum Lavat: A Memoiry A memory of my Papua New Guinea days. The day I met Mr Sh*t (sic) who ran for office and lost because the authorities wouldn't allow him to run on his nickname, by which he was very popular. Nobody knew who the fudge Abba Bina was. Important lessons about politics here -- and the loamy loam of life. Mention also of the trials and tribulations of Iranian refugee, Behrouz Boochani. 1 1 Comment Count
Did Fernando Tatis Jr. Break An Unwritten Rule?, From YouTubeVideos
Bob Gaydos: On Unwritten Rules, in Baseball and Life Life is full of unwritten rules. Baseball has a bunch of them. I'm writing some of them down. One of them is, in sports, politics and life, don't be a sore loser.
Anti-Trump protesters, From YouTubeVideos
Philip Kraske: What if the Democratic Convention Turns into Another 1968? No doubt the protests at the Democratic convention, if any, will be calm and dignified, even boring, much like people waiting to board a bus.
Bored with Flowers, From FlickrPhotos
The Habits of Unhappy People (and What You Can Do About Them) Indeed, we are all likely in denial of at least a few habits that actively increase our unhappiness. There’s lots of research on what makes people happy and unhappy. Lots and lots. (Click on the links below if you’re interested.) What follows is a partial list of the habits of unhappy people and what instigates them. To be sure, these behaviors don’t affect everyone in identical fashion. Whether these hab...
Kanye West performing at the Samsung Galaxy Note II Launch Event, From FlickrPhotos
Kanye West Says He's Running for President Kanye West tweeted Saturday night that he wants to run for president in 2020 — four months before the election and apparently without having filed with the Federal Election Commission or created a campaign committee. “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States,” the 43-year-old musician wrote on I...
Some new neighbors., From Uploaded
Bob Gaydos: Country life (and more) with COVID-19 It's one short road, but what a menagerie. Also, foolish Mitch McConnell utterances and the virus ends a third-party presidential candidacy. Call it a mercy killing.
Searching ..., From FlickrPhotos
Poll: People of All Faiths See Virus as Message From God The coronavirus has prompted almost two-thirds of American believers of all faiths to feel that God is telling humanity to change how it lives, a new poll finds. While the virus rattles the globe, causing economic hardship for millions and killing more than 80,000 Americans, the findings of the poll by the University of Chicago Divinity School and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research indicate that p... 1 1 Comment Count
Me with Mario Cuomo in Albany. Circa mid-1980s., From InText
Bob Gaydos: Fame, fate and happenstance Jackie Robinson, Jesse Jackson, Mario Cuomo, Harry Belafonte, Geraldine Ferraro. Life has introduced me to some "famous" people. In the spirit of connecting while in isolation, I'd like to know your encounters with "celebrity." Please share. It's neighborly. 2 2 Comment Count
DSC00504 - Court of Appeal, From FlickrPhotos
Eric Z Lucas: Therapeutic Justice: Healing and the Pursuit of Happiness Our Declaration of Independence asserts that we have "certain unalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." The pursuit of happiness is a Constitutional Right. About this we must ask one basic question: Can an individual pursue happiness if they are not healed? 3 3 Comment Count
Hitler-socialiste, From FlickrPhotos
Kevin Tully: Menudo and Pancakes A short story about pancakes and menudo and Nazis.
Om, From FlickrPhotos
Words of Wisdom for the New Year  What is the principle, the life force; that mysterious, indomitable urge which motivates all beings to fulfill the need to experience Life to it's fullest? The great Sage Gurumayi Chidvilasananda gives a beautiful, eloquent and inspiring answer to that eternal question.(Click on the arrow to the right of the Golden Book to turn the pages.)
Join us for this special song of peace and love on Christmas Eve On the road ... Christmas Eve in South Carolina! Join us for this special song of peace and love as we celebrate the birth of the Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas!, From YouTubeVideos
Al Hirschfield: Sing Along With Tulsi! Tulsi & Abraham share a Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve. 6 6 Comment Count
Silly Olympics, From InText
BK Faunce: Silly Film Olympics, Part II: Midsommer & Joker Review / Nomination of two very silly films, Midsommer & Joker, to be included in the first Hollywood Olympiad. 2 2 Comment Count
Kefir and kamut have joined the breakfast menu., From Uploaded
Bob Gaydos: Kale and quinoa? How about kefir and kamut? For the record, I eat kale and quinoa and avoid fried foods as much as possible. I think that's smart. There's nothing wrong with being smart, although Republicans have been trying to suggest otherwise for some time. It's a bully's weapon. Let them drink kefir.
Silly Olympics, From InText
BK Faunce: Silly Film Olympics, Part I: Vice & Hereditary Review of two "silly" films, Vice (McKay 2018) and Hereditary (Aster 2018). 4 4 Comment Count
108, From Uploaded
Ethan Indigo Smith: Spiritual Activism and the Power of 108 The Revolution Meditation. How to meditate and inspire activism with 108.
Aum Om black.svg., From WikimediaPhotos
"The Sound of OM" ... om is the meditative seed par excellence. Patanjali—who wrote the Yoga Sutra and is considered to be the father of classical yoga—taught that when we chant this sacred syllable and simultaneously contemplate the meaning of it, our consciousness becomes "one-pointed: and prepared for meditation. In a commentary on the Yoga Sutra, the ancient sage Vyasa noted that through chanting&n... 2 2 Comment Count
Grossman's memoirs of the other Germany, From InText
Eric Walberg: Grossman's A Socialist Defector: Back in the GDR - you don't know how lucky you are Grossman swam the Danube one night and after wandering for hours, finally found an Austrian guard and asked to see the Soviet commandant. He joked with the Russian guard about Pushkin and Doestoevsky, the only Russian words he knew. He was accepted and sent to Bautzen, a hill-top town in eastern Saxony on the river Spree, complete with castle and magnificent Lutheran-Catholic cathedral. 2 2 Comment Count
ENLIGHTENMENT through MEDITATION! (with Sarada Chiruvolu) Karen A. Dahlman, host of Creative Visions TV, welcomes Sarada Chiruvolu, author & self-realization teacher to this episode to share her extraordinary journey ..., From YouTubeVideos
Al Hirschfield: Video: Towards Higher Consciousness With Sarada Chiruvolu In this show Sarada shares what she discovered along her path of devout meditation. She discusses what enlightenment entails, the truth about one's practice of meditation, what to expect, how to work with the energies moving through the chakras and how to prepare for the intensive work that ensues from such a path. 1 1 Comment Count
From InText
Al Hirschfield: Even Trumps Come and Go Does life really have to be this way? Was it even meant to be this way? 2 2 Comment Count

Iftekhar Sayeed: Unholy Sonnets Donne wrote his Holy Sonnets at a time that was infused with God. Perhaps more, or less, wise than before, we live in what appears a God-forsaken world. Hence these Unholy Sonnets. 1 1 Comment Count
Harry Frankfurt, From WikimediaPhotos
Bob Gaydos: The sad truth: It's all B.S. The difference between liars and bullshitters is that liars are acquainted with the truth. They have to be to maintain their lies. There is a discipline involved. Bullshitters don't care. 11 11 Comment Count
Gustave Dore': Ezra reading the Law in the hearing of the people, From FlickrPhotos
E.David Ferriman: Interpretation of the Bible on LGBTQ Even after the Supreme Court ruling made it legal, same-sex marriage is still an issue in the United States. The far right in our country has given Christianity and the Bible a lot of bad press by pushing against the practice. Where is this coming from? Seeing that the god of most of these Christians seems to be the Bible itself, we must turn to the scriptures to see what the all the fuss is about. 2 2 Comment Count

Eric Walberg: From Vietnam to Afghanistan: Myra Breckinridge to the rescue As Afghanistan enters its last dreadful lap, much like Vietnam circa 1970, I have been looking back to what fiction from those 'golden days' had to say, when students were alive with antiwar politics and sexual revolution, the empire at its peak of power and savagery. The parallels are bleak, and very, very enlightening.

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